I keg most of mine - but do 27L batches so bottle the remaining 8L or so. After I've drained most of the beer from the fermenter into the keg, I drain the rest into my dedicated bottling vessel which I have marked in 1L increments. So no yeast cake and hop trub to to deal with. I use a priming calculator to give me the amount of dex I need for the desired C02 volume, I mix the dex with a little bit of water into a pot and slap it on the stove for a few minutes until it boils. Pour it into the beer, give it a gentle stir and bottle. Oxidisation shouldn't be a big deal because the additional yeast activity from secondary ferment should clean it up. Never had an inconstantly carbed batch and I can adjust carb from slight for English ales, stouts and porters to champagne fizzy for Saisons. :drinks: