stubbies v tallies carbonation

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Parks said:
I have drug scales so can accurately prime each bottle the right amount.
Ok Walter....

It is actually possible to dissolve your sugar/dex/meth/malt in some water first.

I always use a hose off the tap and get a nice swirling-mixing motion without areation.
haha yeah sorry I shouldnt have said easier, when I say easier I sort of mean less things to mess with if that makes sense? I'm new to the process and feel as though if I was to bulk prime it'd be a risk of oxidation and infection that I don't feel all that comfortable with at this stage. I guess what I should have said is it bugs me a bit when people suggest bulk priming to people just starting out just because they now do it 3 years down the track as I feel like it introduces one too many steps where the beer can be ruined when all things considered in the few batches I've done I've never had an explosion or noticed under-carbed or over-carbed beers at all. Hopefully makes sense? Not having a dig at bulk priming and if I was confident I'd definitely use it I just feel I'd be so devastated if I went to the effort of cleaning another bucket, siphon, etc, sloshed my beer around and made it taste crap all because I couldnt be bothered using a 330ml scoop/ 1/4 tsp scoop/ 1/3tsp scoop etc.

EDIT: PS IF you are using heaps of different sized bottles it makes more sense, I currently have 330ml bottles and 640ml bottles and have no issues using scoops and a funnel at this stage of my brewing experience :)

EDIT EDIT: also I think syringe priming can be a really good happy medium for new brewers who want even carbonation :)
I felt drug scales were more easily understood than scales that measure to 0.01gm with some reasonable accuracy.

I tried the swirl but failed so now I know for sure that every bottle gets the correct amount of sugarz. As I said, I don't do it regularly so I would rather know for sure it's done right.
Bulk priming ftw. Seriously. Not having a go at you carbo drop or per bottle guys, but it's easier and quicker in my opinion. To each their own, but I don't reckon you'll go back once you get it.
Nizmoose said:
EDIT EDIT: also I think syringe priming can be a really good happy medium for new brewers who want even carbonation :)
To much meth......****...I mean math involved with syringe primming.....

It been tried before. There is a reason why no-one uses it.
Hot water dissolves sugar.

I don't bottle straight from the fermenter because I prefer most of the yeast remaining in the fermenter, not in the bottle. So no extra effort for me.
I have never bulk primed but I would guess the key is to thoroughly stir and agitate the green beer and the sugar solution to get it all perfectly mixed, that could be a bit hit or miss as reported by Parks. If you can get that right, it would introduce a bit of oxygen into the beer with the stirring, and would be a good way of introducing some O2 for the conditioning yeast to breed up in the bottle.

I emailed God on the contact url and he says he uses sugaz cubez.
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I keg most of mine - but do 27L batches so bottle the remaining 8L or so. After I've drained most of the beer from the fermenter into the keg, I drain the rest into my dedicated bottling vessel which I have marked in 1L increments. So no yeast cake and hop trub to to deal with. I use a priming calculator to give me the amount of dex I need for the desired C02 volume, I mix the dex with a little bit of water into a pot and slap it on the stove for a few minutes until it boils. Pour it into the beer, give it a gentle stir and bottle. Oxidisation shouldn't be a big deal because the additional yeast activity from secondary ferment should clean it up. Never had an inconstantly carbed batch and I can adjust carb from slight for English ales, stouts and porters to champagne fizzy for Saisons. :drinks:
There is a bit of a trick to bulk primming and mixing of da sugaz.

Firstly...disolve your sugar/dex/meth/malt in some hot water...about 1/2 ltr is fine. Pour that into your bulk prime vessel

The next bit involves placing your fermenter on 2 stolen milk crates with a lenth of hose long enough to reach the bottom of your bulk priming vessel. You can also steal your hose from next door if you dont feel like cutting up your own

If you are using a round fermenter, you want to place your hose so the the end is about 1" from the side and the hose forms a line disecting the centre acoss the bottom.This gives maximum mixing but wont cause a wirlpool effect. It also lessens any airation

If you use a cube, do the same thing as a round one.

You dont want a circular whirlpool type action

Make sure every thing is clean and sanitized.

There will be enough yeast suspended to allow for carbing and most/all of the trub gets left in the primary good for those that dry hop.

I good rule of thumb is 5g/Ltr of sugar for a 5% pale Ale. Less for Stouts as they take longer to carb & condition due to the sugaz from the dark malts that need more time for the yeast to convert.
Meh. Unless you're openly pouring the beer into the bottles, you risk very negligible oxidisation when bottling and/or bulk priming. The small amount you do introduce (if you use a bottling wand or a racking tube) will be consumed by secondary fermentation in the bottle. Don't stress.
I'm finding some serious issues with my PET tallies. I've opened up about 8 from my last batch and 6 of them were so un-carbed they tasted flat. I used 2 carb drops so it shouldn't be the amount of sugar, and the lids felt screwed on tight enough...

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