Storing Of Beer

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Hi guys interested in finding out where other Hb store there bottled beer.
I have a 2 story house so its generally warmer upstairs so I put them on shelves in a cupboard with a blanket over it.
Just curious to know where others keep theres

Cheers micka
Hi guys interested in finding out where other Hb store there bottled beer.
I have a 2 story house so its generally warmer upstairs so I put them on shelves in a cupboard with a blanket over it.
Just curious to know where others keep theres

Cheers micka
Under the house, where sly friends wont find them.
Under the house also, which has benefits in summer (rarely goes over 26 degrees). Sure beats 40 degrees in a garage.

Takes a lot longer for the beer to be carbonated and drinkable in winter though. Which means I just store some inside the house.
In my "beer celler" - basement dug into the sandstone under my house. Constant 18 degrees all year round.
keep mine in the offce aka junk room aka brew room. fairly constant temp around 20C in summer and 14C in winter (depending on if we have heating/cooling on etc). Eventually it will be stored under the house once I get around to converting the area to a cellar or sorts.

IMO Once its fermented, bottled and carbonated a constant temp is the main thing. shouldnt really matter if its stored cooler or warmer just constant and not too hot.

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