Sterilizing Plastic Taps Properly

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Big John

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I've been doing kits for 9 months or so with good success.

Lately when I have been cleaning and sterilizing my equipment I have noticed a ring of gunk stuck in the plastic tap of my fermenter see picture (specifically between the tap outlet and the thread)


To ensure I sterlize everything properly I have found a way to pull the tap apart so it can be properly cleaned.

  • Heat the tap in hot water (to make the plastic more flexible)
  • Stick the back half of the tap in a vice with the tap opening facing down (wrapped in something so it does not damage the plastic)
  • Apply some vice pressure and using pliers pull the handle part of the tap
  • After a bit of pulling, the tap will come apart and you will be able to clean inside
  • To re-assemble - heat tap in water and push parts back together
I've done this a few times and the tap works fine without leaking - although I have worried that it may come apart itself and leak me beer everywhere.

Finally on to my question;

If others have this problem how did they deal with it?

  • Clean as per my method (and how has this fared?)
  • Don't worry about cleaning to that degree
  • Buy a new tap (and how often - after 5 / 10 / 15 batches?)

I've been doing kits for 9 months or so with good success.

Lately when I have been cleaning and sterilizing my equipment I have noticed a ring of gunk stuck in the plastic tap of my fermenter see picture (specifically between the tap outlet and the thread)

View attachment 28539

To ensure I sterlize everything properly I have found a way to pull the tap apart so it can be properly cleaned.

  • Heat the tap in hot water (to make the plastic more flexible)
  • Stick the back half of the tap in a vice with the tap opening facing down (wrapped in something so it does not damage the plastic)
  • Apply some vice pressure and using pliers pull the handle part of the tap
  • After a bit of pulling, the tap will come apart and you will be able to clean inside
  • To re-assemble - heat tap in water and push parts back together
I've done this a few times and the tap works fine without leaking - although I have worried that it may come apart itself and leak me beer everywhere.

Finally on to my question;

If others have this problem how did they deal with it?

  • Clean as per my method (and how has this fared?)
  • Don't worry about cleaning to that degree
  • Buy a new tap (and how often - after 5 / 10 / 15 batches?)

Lots of people forget to clean their taps properly. I just stick a screwdriver in mine and bang down hard on some concrete. Pops off very easily. Or you could use a length of wooden dowel. Get an old toothbrush and give the two bits a good brush and then stick in a bowl of boiling water. When you need them again heat them up and put it back together. simple.
im like steve, i use a wooden spoon and then bag it against the granite benchtop, pops apart, i have found that they are stiffer to turn now, not sure why?
I must be massive strong because I just pull it apart with my hands.

Many years ago when I first started out I didn't pull taps apart, I just ran hot water and sanitiser through it while opening and closing it a few times, I never had an accumulations of gunk inside.
im like steve, i use a wooden spoon and then bag it against the granite benchtop, pops apart, i have found that they are stiffer to turn now, not sure why?

Same method here turn tap 90 deg first but give it a quick scrub with a toothbrush and Iodophor solution which is slippery and acts as a lubricant the tap is smooth as.

You need to replace the tap after about 10 take-apart cycles as they begin to weep slightly.
Thanks for the responses - good to see i'm not robinson crusoe on this one.

I tend to go the "gently does it route" because i don't want to damage it unnesecarily

But then I should just accept that it will require replacement after a while.

slightly :icon_offtopic: but the blunt wood sounds like a good idea
i have always used a screw driver and a couple of weeks ago on the second bang i let it slip to the outside of the tap and it went 2cm into my hand :unsure:

i have always knocked the taps apart for several years after every brew and even after just bottling and they do seem to get stiff but only one has ever started to leak
Taps are about $1.50 at camping stores bunnings LHBS etc. I bought a handful last month and i intend to replace them regularly.
It's worth giving them a clean but as others point out sometimes they stiffen up.
As my bottling wand is a bit unreliable i like my taps to be smooth.
An extra $1.50 every few brews is an insignificant cost compared to a stuck tap or infection.....
I must be massive strong because I just pull it apart with my hands.

Many years ago when I first started out I didn't pull taps apart, I just ran hot water and sanitiser through it while opening and closing it a few times, I never had an accumulations of gunk inside.


you ARE massive strong :wub:
I've also started to use the screw apart taps.

Easy to clean and re-assemble after every batch, and as dismantling them does no damage, they should last for many many more batches than the conventional tap. They are also easier to use, without the difficulty of turning the normal tap.

The only downside is they are a little more expensive in the first instance.

I have notice it's a little more difficult to fit the bottled wand into the bottom of those taps, but a slight judicial trimming of the top of the wand with my scalpel (used in model building) fixes that issue.
Taps are about $1.50 at camping stores bunnings LHBS etc. I bought a handful last month and i intend to replace them regularly.
It's worth giving them a clean but as others point out sometimes they stiffen up.
As my bottling wand is a bit unreliable i like my taps to be smooth.
An extra $1.50 every few brews is an insignificant cost compared to a stuck tap or infection.....

$1.50 compared to a brew, I just replace my taps anytime they look old/dirty. Also I have found a toothbrush 'thie wifes one not mine :)' is really good to clean out the taps from the inside.

Lots of people forget to clean their taps properly. I just stick a screwdriver in mine and bang down hard on some concrete. Pops off very easily. Or you could use a length of wooden dowel. Get an old toothbrush and give the two bits a good brush and then stick in a bowl of boiling water. When you need them again heat them up and put it back together. simple.

I have used one of these for more than 2 years. Easy to ckean s I just unscrew the top and soak napisan/ bleach.


Brilliant suggestions. I've got a bit of dowell sitting in the car boot waiting for a purpose in life, glad I didn't get rid of it. Also those snap taps look almost exactly like a plastic version of the Birko Urn tap, I'm looking at it and know immediately how the thing comes apart.
i went to the snap tap for two reasons
1. easy to clean

2. easy to see if its shut i've lost a number of litres by forgetting to close the tap :lol:
Many years ago when I first started out I didn't pull taps apart, I just ran hot water and sanitiser through it while opening and closing it a few times, I never had an accumulations of gunk inside.

:unsure: I didnt even know you could pull the taps apart untill now??

Ive allways just run hot water and sanitiser through it straight after use and as above have never had a gunk build up??
Can anyone confirm that the taps off Coopers Brew Kits fermenters come apart for cleaning? I've been banging down mine with a wooden spoon and it's not budging.
Yeah the Coopers come apart too, just need more banging as they seem more tight. I noticed my Coopers tap stayed cleaner for longer.

+1 For QldKev's missus toothbrush, i wouldn't use Kev's brush either could be a bit Kruddy.... When she is finished with it can you post it down :)
I have a texta that fits into the hole perfectly, just rest the tap against the edge of a bench and give the texta a good smack with something solid and out she pops.

I have noticed however, that the tap on my jerry likes to leak out the spout, which is a real PITA.