#Wades into it with the benefit of a few bevies under the belt#
Do you often see chefs saying, no you shouldn't cook because if you don't get the core temp above 70oC you won't kill the bugs and they'll kill you man. Eat at a restaurant, get a qualified chef!
Will they share secret knowledge: you see plenty of recipes floating around.
Do you see chippies saying, nah man saws and stuff have teeth, if you don't know what a mitre joint is man they'll take your hand off, get a qualified carpenter.
Will they share secret knowledge: I see plenty of clearly drawn construction diagrams and plans around.
Do you see welders saying if you don't know the difference between ferrous metals and non ferrous metals you shouldn't be welding. Welders can burn you, send you blind and use high amps man and they'll kill you quick smart. Get a qualified welder to do it for you!
Will they share secret knowledge: I see a few blokes saying run low amps and direct the weld to the thicker material.
Do you see a taxi driver saying, if you don't know where it is man, you shouldn't be driving there, you might be in an accident and get killed. Get a qualified (?) driver, catch a cab! Will they share secret knowledge: Refidex, Sat nav etc...
Do you see a sparky saying, if you don't understand the wiring diagram, you'll get fried. It's not worth it man. Get a qualified electrician to do it for you!
Will they share secret knowledge: Yes but wiring daigrams are like some sort of secret language that you need advanced knowledge to interpret. Do they sprook gobledegook that average Joe Bloe can't understand when they do offer advice?
There's plenty of shiite that can potentially kill you, if you don't do it correctly. Clear and precise instructions that are aimed at the every day person in a language they can understand, so he/she can save a few bucks and complete a simple job (if he/she had good advice)...
Just saying...
(smile inserted to convey sense of good natured **** stirring intent. However, it is probably going to make some folks very angry, maybe not people who are
not sparkies).