Starting a 50-100L Nano Brewery

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Hey guys! I’m thinking about starting my own nano brewery, a very small startup ideally from the comfort of my home garage. I plan to produce 50l- 100L batches. Does anyone know if this is legal if I use a homebrewing setup? So, no special equipment that takes extra yeast out of the beer etc.. just a simple set up yet making sure things like ABV and alcohol percentage are on point. I know all about the permits you gotta apply for and whatnot but specifically wondering about if it can be done just with a homebrewing set up. I imagine there’s an inspection the council check out before approving your permit. Does anyone know or have any experience with what’s required to get the permit through and start making and selling beer? This is for Victoria and the Macedon Ranges shire. Although all answers are appreciated.
AFAIK there's no problem with using a 'home brewing setup" BUT a few things in no particular order worth considering:

Waste- Have you got a plan for all the spent grain, hops, wastewater, yeast/ tub etc?
Packaging- Cans/ bottles/ kegs? then there's the labelling and transportation costs
Traffic- Will this new enterprise be likely to cause additional traffic in your area?
Ingredients- Have you got storage for pallet loads of grain (that is vermin proof), as well as cold storage for hops/yeast, as well as a contact for fresh hops (keeping in mind most fresh hops are contracted well in advance)
Neighbours- How close are they to you, how often will you be brewing, are they going to be ok with the smells that come with brewing, if there's significantly more cars in the street will they complain to council (or will they when you submit your application to council)?
Fermenting- How stable is your temp control i.e are you just using a hobby temp controller?, are you using stainless to ferment in, what is your cleaning regime like and how are you going to dispose of any cleaning waste?
QC- Can you already brew consistent batches (same recipe back to back turning out the same), are you hitting your numbers every time (where efficiency now matters an awful lot), have you got a plan to treat your water or are you starting with RO?

Every council is different and every one will have their own rules around what can be zoned where and at what capacity so I would be contacting them first to see if it's possible (having a plan to address all the potential issues before they ask you), then make sure your area will be compliant with food and beverage production standards.

TLDR; No problem with using home brew equipment but there's a LOT to consider.
There is a lot more to being a commercial brewer than just making beer.
First of all you need an ATO license and also council approval. Both require a great deal of faffing about.
Make sure you have a market. Small brewing companies are closing down every day.
Ooh Yeah Mate! if you don't already subscribe to The Crafty Pint newsletter Jarryn, I strongly recommend you do. These days it makes for sobering reading.
Just do it.
Whats the worst that could happen?

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