Stalled Ferment

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Just let it warm up again and it should take off providing your yeast was healthy.

Kabooby :)
Just let it warm up again and it should take off providing your yeast was healthy.

Kabooby :)

+1, you shouldnt have any issues, once it gets going again maybe bring it back down to your planned fermentation temp though to reduce fusel alcohol, etc.
Checked my Porter again today and its still sitting at 1.026 after lifting the temp. Should i go ahead and rack this tomorrow to see if that will help it along?

Yep, rack it, keep it at about 21 ish for a few more days, and see if it drops. Once it's been racked and held warm, theres not a lot left to do....

edit....when you rack it, take a litre, put it in a 2L pet bottle. If you have some slurry of a different sort, add a tablespoon (if not, add some of the thick slurry from the bottom of your primary on this one...). Shake the crap out of it, cap it loosely (so co2 can get out). Store that at mid 20s to mid 30s, adn shke the hell out of it each time you go past (unless you have a stir which case, just put it on that.). With a high level of yeast, very warm temperature, and contunued aeration, that ferment out fully in 48hrs.....then take a sg of that. That's as low as you'll go, and nothing on earth will make it attenuate more fully. ;). If this attenuates, but the main batch doesn't....pitch more yeast in the main batch. If this fails to attenuate further, well, it's all over. Bottle or keg.
Thanks Butters will give that a shot and see how it goes.
