Stainless Braid Length

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I cut the ends off my braid with large bolt cutters. Went thru all but a few strands very easy.



yea thought about that but came to the conclusion that its just really a big pair of scissors and may not cut as clean as i want. Cheers anyways mate.
Sorry to spoil the tool lust but try cold chisel or a brickies bolster on top, concrete underneath, apply hammer. Clean cut every time I've done it.

plot mate at work suggested that and i laughed...Nah Nah no way that will get through braid and rubber cleanly! seems he may have been right....

hmmm new grinder or new chisel set? (i dont own tools, no shed...well i have a drill but..)

reckon i'd get more use out of a grinder....dollar savings not a factor either.
Thanks heaps Hoags...

No kids yet Luckily, getting married in April 08....but im more than happy to rock to bunnings saturday for a kransky and new brew bits!

Everyman needs an angle grinder. Go for it Fents.

Get the flexovit 1mm cutting disc. Gives a much cleaner cut.

Cheers, Hoges.
Yep, angle grinder with the little 1mm cutting disc. You'd be suprised how many things an angle grinder with a cutting disc can be handy for. Especially when you lack patience.
New 1 meter braid - check
New Ozitio Grinder and discs - Check
New F to M 1/2 extension for esky - Check

Cant i get the F%^&*ING thing to way!

God damn pulling my hair out...tried fibre washers, tried cutting my own rubber washers but **** me i cant get it to seal...

Cheers Lukes got it sealed!

1/2 inch Irragation thread saves the day again...


Can i used fibre washers on the iside of the esky where the hot wort will be?
Damn i love that feeling when you beat a problem!
Hey guys,

Can we get back on topic and talk about lengths? Does length really matter? Is bigger better? :)

I have seen pictures of designs with as little as 6'' long braids. What is your experience with those?

Is braid length inversely proportional to the chance of a stuck sparge: The longer the braid the less the likelihood?

Not sure that size really does matter. Once the grain is on top of the braid it compresses, and there really is only one place that effectively does the filtering ( the bit that is connect near the copper pipe ).

This is not really a problem if you are batch sparging.

I've tried several different setups to try and "improve" this. Even threaded the braid with a copper pipe with big slots cut into it.

It didn't make much difference though.

I wouldn't get overly concerned about the length of the braid.
easy mfdes i had a win! dont take away my glory :p

nah seriously tho, thats why i just changed my braid, in a 55lt esky i had a pissweak little circle of braid up the front...I batcg sparge so heads are going to say that it dosnt matter what shape, length etc the braid is (apparentlly matters when fly sparging, in fear of channelling business), but i havnt been hitting my OG's so im just gonna change one thing at a time till i do and this was the first step. :super:

Now have a meter length of braid in the esky, i'll let ya know if it helps tommorow...brew day. Till then at least it looks pretty! :super:
I had a short one in my 45 litre tun for 2 1/2 years with not too much problems. I only had one stuck mash in all that time. I now have a longer braid and the only difference is that I don't have to tilt the tun to get the end of the runnings out.

I used a hacksaw with a 5 year old blade and it worked fine. I put the nut in the vice and pulled on it and cut. It cuts suprisingly fast and clean.

Piccy of the original.

