Stainless Braid Length

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My topic title probably didn't really describe what I need to know.

I'm about to put this mash tun together and just pulled the hose out of a 1.5m length of braided hose I got today. If you look at this pic you can see it is a bit long and before I cut it I was wondering if this race track shape in the bottom of a rectangular esky and then into the T piece is the go or should I try and force it into more or a 90 degree bend to match the corners of the esky.

henno... are you going to batch sparge...? if so then the shape and placement isnt so important, but a figure 8 could be good.?
ive got a round igloo and my braid is just set in a circle, but anything would suffice (to an extent).

if you are going fly sparge thats when you have to start thinking about the location more. check out "how to brew" by john palmer... (you can read it on the net) it has a whole section dedicated to setting up manifolds for fly sparging, as you need to have the manifold certain distances from the side wall etc to reduce channeling when you lauter.

My guru Andrew hasn't made up my mind yet whether I am going to batch or fly yet.

Didn't realise there would be a difference in how to lay the stainless braid between the two methods.
If you are fly sparging, you need an even(ish) pressure distribution over the bottom of the mash tun, so that your sparge water doesn't channel through part of the mash without adequate rinsing. With batch sparging it does not matter as you are stirring it all up and resting, so more of the sparge water contacts more of the mash before draining.
Henno, I would make it shorter.

You will find the far end tends to float up into the grains where it isn't wanted and apart from getting in the way, it will also get knocked around more and possibly create problems draining the last of the runnings. Also I found that a figure of eight shape is difficult to maintain, it just ends up getting twisted around itself and once again getting knocked around. If you can find some kind of rigid former (thick stainless wire?) which will maintain the figure-8 shape then that could work, but I don't think there is any real benefit of that shape anyway.

I know you probably won't want to cut the long piece, since you have it now, but I didn't regret cutting mine shorter at all. It's much more manageable. :)
Henno, your memory is like your braid, full of holes :lol: , or was it the Vienna lager and information overload :blink: . I thought we decided to batch sparge for simplicity, for batching, 1 mtr would be plenty, it doesn't even need to be that long really, just cut off 1/2 mtr and join the other end of your 1mtr length to your tee.

Kind regards
Your Guru :blink:
Do you guys have problems with stuck sparges? When I used braid years ago about 1/10 stuck.


Never had a prob here darren. I've had more trouble sparging with a plastic false bottom than braid.
Do you guys have problems with stuck sparges? When I used braid years ago about 1/10 stuck.



Darren, I used a false bottom for a number of years and had several stuck sparges, I changed over to the braid and in the last year have had only one stuck sparge.
I have found that sparging too fast is the main problem causing the grain bed to compact, so I have learnt that a steady flow of 1.5-2 lt p/m is all that's needed to keep the grain bed free.

There is a distinct possiblity that all that vienna lager brained my damage. Also information overload. Until I came to your place I didn't know there were two different ways to sparge! What a big thicky der head.

I do want to use the same braid when I change my mash tun to a keg. The shorter length won't be a problem then? I kinda pictured it laying in a big round circle around inside circumference of the keg wall if you know what I mean.
There is a distinct possiblity that all that vienna lager brained my damage. Also information overload. Until I came to your place I didn't know there were two different ways to sparge! What a big thicky der head.

I do want to use the same braid when I change my mash tun to a keg. The shorter length won't be a problem then? I kinda pictured it laying in a big round circle around inside circumference of the keg wall if you know what I mean.

Won't be a problem at all.

to counter act the problems that blackrock mentioned, you can extend the some copper tubing from the outlet tot he other end of the esky, then attach your T piece there. then you can attach your braid back towards the outlet underneath the copper tubing, which will stop it floating in the mash.
Thought i'd bump this thread instead of creating a new one...

I just brough a new 1 meter piece of last one 400mm i think didnt cut it in a 55L esky...

My question :

Anyone got any great ways to cut the ends off, last time i did it i used scissors and it took ages, the ends looked bad (not a clean cut) and cause the ends were all frayed i stabbed my fingers about a gazziolion times...

Im thinking maybe hacksaw? just want a clean cut really
Tape the section to be cut tightly with gaffa tape, then cut useing a hacksaw blade with the finest teethed blade you can buy. The tape stops fraying as you are cutting
Thought i'd bump this thread instead of creating a new one...

I just brough a new 1 meter piece of last one 400mm i think didnt cut it in a 55L esky...

My question :

Anyone got any great ways to cut the ends off, last time i did it i used scissors and it took ages, the ends looked bad (not a clean cut) and cause the ends were all frayed i stabbed my fingers about a gazziolion times...

Im thinking maybe hacksaw? just want a clean cut really

4" grinder.

Cheers, Hoges.
4" grinder.

Cheers, Hoges.

ahhhhh man with a plan!

clean cut yea? Dont have a grinder but **** i've always needed an excuse to go buy one, thanks for that! :super:
ahhhhh man with a plan!

clean cut yea? Dont have a grinder but **** i've always needed an excuse to go buy one, thanks for that! :super:

Get the kids to go to Bunnings and get a GMC or Ozita grinder. They are on special for Fathers Day. Cheap as chips and they have a two year warranty.

Cheers, Hoges.
I cut the ends off my braid with large bolt cutters. Went thru all but a few strands very easy.


Thanks heaps Hoags...

No kids yet Luckily, getting married in April 08....but im more than happy to rock to bunnings saturday for a kransky and new brew bits!
Sorry to spoil the tool lust but try cold chisel or a brickies bolster on top, concrete underneath, apply hammer. Clean cut every time I've done it.