Spouse Home Brew Approval

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Daring Dave

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Maybe a Can of Worms...

I had a good day at work....nothing major...Just a normal day....

As Im new to brewing and my 1st brew was only bottled Sunday I'm still on the retail stuff :ph34r: for a few weeks....

I picked up 3 long necks on the way home and settled down in the shed to tinker..

Around 6pm my better half came out to said shed to investigate why there were 'big bottles ' in the fridge instead of stubbies... 'NO REASON' I said but I knew in an instant the gig was up......

'Oh...Your buying Long necks for the home brew ?' errr 'yes' but its no diffe........

'So your buying more beer to make more beer ? '

At this point I called Lucy the dog into the shed and shutup..

I assume I'm not the only one to have a partner who doesn't understand ?? :chug:
My missus likes ginger beer. I make sure i brew enough ginger beer to keep here in stocks.
She now puts up with all my beer purchases.
I find stressing the hobby side of things works quite well. My wife hardly drinks, so making her alcohol doesnt get me too far at all.

So I just compare it to some other hobby. When you compare brewing your own, to buying all your beer, and paying to do something else on top as well, you start to come out brilliantly ahead :)

I still think she'd be happier if I devoted myself to my gem collecting hobby instead.
I use what Barfridge says - but add ...

that home brewing keeps round the home - not out with boys down the pub spending a fortune....

but home with you and the kids...

seems to work....
My wife thought I was brewing just to get more pissed on cheap, low quality beer and I never heard the end of it. Then I started making really good beer and got a silver medal at the state comp, then a first place at the nationals, then she realised it was all about making craft beer and being an "artist". I also give just about half of my stocks to friends and family, to share the true joy of craft beer, which helps my cause, because they all tell her to leave me alone and let me make more beer! :p

Now I've completely turned her and she has allowed me to get a full kegging system, with a 3 tap font. She's even letting me brew on the weekends...... occasionally... :unsure:

This took me 2 and a half years....so you gotta work at it.

Cheers - Snow
My home support waxes and wains and is a fair barometer of how things are going generally. When there are complaints, you can often swing them to your advantage.

"Sick of your f*n bottles all over the house."
"(Sigh) Well I'll get a kegging system one day."
"Can that go in the shed?"
"Will it get rid of the bottles?"
"Yes. And bottling day will take two hours less."
"That would be a good birthday present."

..and so the seed is planted.
hahaha that is good deebee.
That is how I got a carbonation cap.

I'm sick of these bloody soft drinks always going flat
there is a cool little dodad that can attach to the top plug into the keg gas system and gas them up again
that sound neat
yeah, saves throwing out flat softdrinks
picked up a carbonation cap. Let me try it out on that flat coke
wow it works great
sure does

Never been used for soft drinks again but been used for many many many beers :)

These posts always crack me up. I can't believe how whipped some of you guys are ;) .

I never get any hassles from my partner about making beer. It's my money, it's my time and I can do whatever I want with both. Just like it's her money and her time and she can do whatever she wants.

My partner sees that I enjoy making beer and it makes me happy, so she supports my hobby. Why wouldn't she want me to be happy?

My missus is pretty much the same. She's even happier if I make a ginger beer or anything that resembles LCPA - she loves it. In fact, she loves anything with Cascade hops in it.
your partner WANTS you to be happy??!!? Man, I gotta get one of those!
MAH said:
I never get any hassles from my partner about making beer. It's my money, it's my time and I can do whatever I want with both. Just like it's her money and her time and she can do whatever she wants.
You don't have kids, do you MAH? ;) Maybe not even a mortgage? ;)

You lucky lucky bastard :lol:
deebee said:
You don't have kids, do you MAH? ;) Maybe not even a mortgage? ;)

No Kids :D , but I certainly do have a mortgage :( and I pay the whole lot and ask for no money from my partner.

I pay all cost associated with the property. I bought the house before we met and moved in together, so it's my responsibility. As I said my time my money, her time her money. If I want something I have to work for it, if she wants something she has to work for it. This system works for us and makes life very easy when I want to go buy a pump, keg system etc.

Sure life would change to some degree if we started a family (I wouldn't need to motorise the grain mill, I could just get Rug Rat No. 1 to turn the handle :p ), but she would still want me to be happy, so that would mean I would still brew (plus I would have already bought everything I need for my monster mashing machine :lol: ).

And yes I'm a lucky bastard and I'm extremely grateful for that!

I thought things were going pretty well until the first issue of the BYO subscription arrived, before me, on mrs wee stu's day off!!

I tried female logic - explaining that spending $55 was really a saving of about $37 on what I would have spent on it otherwise. (Maybe showing the September copy I'd paid $11.50 for that day wasn't one of my brightest ideas). Didn't help that a $500 power bill arrived right beside it :(

Funny how the little things can be the "last straw". Anyway guys, it's been nice brewing with you :ph34r:

If a half finished brury starts appearing in the classifieds, you'll know this has been a true story!
My lovely wife is very supportive of my beer brewing. Basically if the money is there I can spend it. She even enjoys drinking it.
Earlier this year I had a spare few hundred dollars. I was gonna go the whole hog and update everything to all grain level.
I opted out for a new PC and built that instead. I'm happy with the extracts I'm doing at the moment so I will slowly move to all grain and kegging as I progress along.

When I showed the missus that I can brew up a couple of slabs of decent full strenghth beer at around $25 she thought thats terriffic, Im now saving us about $35 a week and now we go out to an asian restaurant once a week for around $40 and she is happy. :p

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