Split Cube

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Floor in the garage has been feeling a bit sticky the last few days.
Today I found one of my cubes had split open.
It was still half full and didn't stink so this is recent.
I filled it over a week ago. I fill them hot and dunk em in the pool to cool off.
Can I expect more of these?

I keep mine in a dark place and I only buy the heavy duty dangerous goods ones, would have thought it would have split along the seam. I had a small fermenter which I mix plant food in and keep it in the garden, that split along the bottom of the seam.
I got a fair few of these from when I was buying Fresh Worts.
They do get very soft when I fill em.
Maybe the shock from the pool water weakens them.
Or maybe something got in and started growing.
I’d say the wort in that cube had started fermenting for sure to split it like that. I’ve had sun damaged cubes but they go brittle and shatter rather than a straight spilt.

I can’t see from the photo but is there any sign of stretching around the split?
Yeah the whole cube is way out of shape, the filler isn't flat anymore and another split was starting on the long edge to the left of this one.
I only have one other with wort in it right now and it looks OK. Brewed both the same day.
I've just been leaving them in a dark corner and walking off. Might pay to keep an eye on them I guess.
Easy clean up with a hose and at least it don;t stink :)
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Best not to chill cubes. The idea is heat pasteurization is the whole reason cubing can be successfully stored pre ferment. The longer they are left hot the better pasteurization and safer all in all.
Yep, definitely looks like something was growing inside.
Not sure why, done a lot of cubes this way and this is the first to burst.
Twas only a blonde so no great loss. Replaced it with a iipa today.