So Why Does Homebrew Never Give Hangovers?

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Not a Beer God
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Me and my mates smashed 3/4's of a keg last night and i woke up feeling fresher than the fresh prince of belair! :beerbang:

Why so?

No preservitives?

Didnt drink enough? (def had double vision going on trying to type a txt message)...

Do you all find the same thing?
Didnt drink enough? (def had double vision going on trying to type a txt message)...

If you can remember where your phone is, never mind how to turn it on you obviously didnt drink enough :p

Seriously though....I also feel like a fresh prince the morning after drinking my HB. So much so I have another!
Definitely agree, I'd put it down to the lack of nasty chemicals and a higher level of freshness in general.
I have to say that I still get the occasional hang-over after home brew. This may not be helped by the fact that I often decide to drink on an empty stomach.

If I do get a hang-over, it's always far les severe than those from the commercial stuff.

Hey, maybe I'm just soft though....!
Lots of factors contribute, but it's largely down to the Vitamin B, yeast is a good source of B and you're body needs it to process alcohol.

So suck up that sediment

Some say preservitives are the cause in megaswill...

But when i google it, it says there are a few causes :

The root cause of all hangovers is, of course, drinking alcohol. If you drink enough and end up with a hangover, it means you've ingested more alcohol than your body can metabolize efficiently. The toxins in alcohol build up in your body and make you feel sick. A chief culprit is a chemical called acetaldehyde. This is an alcohol by-product that research suggests may cause the worst of your hangover symptoms.

then this :

Congeners are another cause of hangovers. These are impurities created during the fermentation process in some types of alcohol. Low quality wines and many dark liquors tend to have high levels of congeners. The rule of thumb is the darker your drink, the worse the hangover.
I too still continue to get hangovers, although I believe mine are due to more the level of consumption rather than the type of beer I'm drinking. <_<
Lots of factors contribute, but it's largely down to the Vitamin B, yeast is a good source of B and you're body needs it to process alcohol.

So suck up that sediment


I didn't even think about that, how interesting!
The rule of thumb is the darker your drink, the worse the hangover.

This guy has obviously never drunk tequila.
I'll go off on a Tangent. I reckon excessive cane or sugar (fusels)... I've had some bigger home made Belgians that make me wish I was dead the next day.

Let's not forget most swill contains around 25% or so sugar too. :blink:

Fents.. There be a sane limit. Drink enough of your own stuff and you'll still suffer. :D

Warren -
I can easily drink more HB than i used to be able of new/vb/shit.
Im convinced me + preservatives = very bad hangonver.
Me + lots of HB = dry headache only.
Me + normal amount of HB = happy days

Drink some water, and dont go to bed after just finishing a beer.

Also i found that this wheat beer is the best yet for not having hangovers, yeast plays a significant role too.
hi guys and girls,the same observation and wonder for me,home brew equals less hangover!!!its only an issue after bottle number six and it still is less then a nite in the pub on commercial stuff.
I found that when I brewed kits only and used brew enhancer it was the only time for me to have a headache, I stopped using that and am a happy HB drinker(and so are the mates)
I to agree that hangovers tend to be less with HB, however this tends to off set by the clensing effect of the yeast in home brew.
as mentioned before i've read that sugar in megaswill contributes nicely to the hangover, also i'd love to know what other shit is in some of them. it's strange that beer doesn't have to show ingredients whereas all other food, including juice etc does. i believe there would be other preservatives that would contribute to making you feel worse the next day. interesting about the vitamin B in the yeast though
Myth, I've put this hang over theory to the test many times and found that if you hit it hard enough your gonna get hung over regardless of whether it's a HB or not.
I had an Amarillo honey ale with about 20% honey... smashed me one morning after 10 or so schooners!

I normally wake up ok though. I find too that sugar and higher ferment temps have encouraged hangovers.
Devo, you cant bust a myth coz one person tried it lol
Many people are allergic to all sorts of preservatives, sulphites etc that you would not find in a HB.

But yeah defo agree on alcohol can cause dehydration, which in turn can cause headaches.
Myth, I've put this hang over theory to the test many times and found that if you hit it hard enough your gonna get hung over regardless of whether it's a HB or not.

fair play and i agree BUT i reckon thats cause alcohol is a diarhetic (spelling?) so therefore the more alcohol your drink, the more you piss and the less water you loose out of your body therefore dehydrating you.

Obv if i got through the best part of a keg by MYSELF i'd be rotten in the morning regardless but im talking if i drink 10-12 stubbies of homebrew i'd still feel fresh. Unless your a massive drinker i'd say 10-12 stubbies of CUB would be enough to give a decent hangover.
Devo, you cant bust a myth coz one person tried it lol
Many people are allergic to all sorts of preservatives, sulphites etc that you would not find in a HB.

But yeah defo agree on alcohol can cause dehydration, which in turn can cause headaches.

Don't forget alcohol poisoning. :(

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