Smoking, Yes Or No

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Hey guys,

i'm wondering who here smokes and who doesnt. i find it hard to not smoke while i drink. then i know a lot of non smoke drinkers..

what's everyone's thoughts.
The pity of the whole tobacco industry is that is designed to pray on human weakness. The most addictive substance on the planet legally available and half the time targeted to a market that are addicted long before they have the thinking ability to assess the long term effects.

At the end of the day, though, it is legal, and people can choose to do it if they so wish. It's a right people have, and until such time as it's not (when a government has the balls to take on big tobacco and manage their finances without the tax income...heh yerright!) I will save my energy for other things...

No I don't smoke. I've always seen it as pure lunacy. Maybe that's elitist, but it stopped me taking it up.. ;)
Used to smoke just under a pack a day (or the equivalent in rollie tobacco). Gave that up a couple of years ago but still smoke my way through Christmas and have the odd smoke with friends if I'm drinking etc.

Very enjoyable habit in many ways but very destructive too.
After years of weaning myself down from a pack a day to evening only / beer smokes, I ended up knowing every smoker in the street... seems I'd never get past the one or two week mark without having one.

Then the night before the SE Qld Case swap I was drinking schooners of goon and smoking Winnie Red rollies with my mowing contractor. Instead of waking up like I'd slept in a burning building, I felt like I had been smoking bubble wrap in a bong.

I've not had a single durry since.

I gave up cold turkey around 3 years back now. Used to smoke just over a pack of 25 a day......

That said, when we get the chance to go out as just a couple and have some child free time I will usually buy some cigars/bum a couple of smokes off mates.....We went out last night and I actually bought a pack of smokes, I think I had around 12 or so over the course of the night and still have the rest of the pack sitting here on the shelf....I felt it this morning and wondered if I used to feel like that every morning..

Probably keep the pack for next time we are out for another childfree evening, but day to day I haven't smoked since I quit.
I smoked for 16yrs, was smoking two packs of B&H special filter when I gave up, no patches, no bullshit, just stopped. I was an absolute slave to them. If I can give up anyone can, it is a disgusting, expensive and distructive habit. God help any of my kids if they try and take it up. But for all you smokers out there, good luck to you, you will eventually give up one way or another.


no smoker here never have never wanted to

I still got the Cigar I was given from a mate when my daughter was born ( 5 years ago )
No cancer sticks for me thanks.

Those hops on the other hand... :lol:
:icon_offtopic: Used to smoke, then drank more to get off the smokes! One day i'll ween myself back on to smoking to give up the drink...

Seriously though, my dad smokes, he had a heart attack a few years back and he did quit for 3 whole MONTHS! It is sad to see this kind of destruction happen in front of your face after such a traumatic event, ok so i did smoke and i will be a hypocrite till the day i snuff-it from an alcohol/stress/smoking related illness. But if i ever see my kids smoke.........
I haven't had a smoke since New years day - before that I made three weeks. My goal now is for a month and then if after that I feel like one....well, we'll see what happens.
When your already smoking meat and malt, might as well make the small leap to therapeutic plant matter.

I roll racehorses of white ox, two a day - unless i'm drinking on a mission, in which case it scales up infinitely.
Smoke and ethanol are a fine pairing, much like guava and brie.
If you like a good beer, then why not give the cancer sticks the flick so you can actually taste the beer!
unfortuantly yes, about 7-10 a day, only champion ruby with filters. hate it but love it.
unfortuantly yes, about 7-10 a day, only champion ruby with filters. hate it but love it.

Eeeww, that stuff's rank man. I haven't smoked for just over 12 months I think, tried to give it up heaps but failed. Eventually got onto Champix which to doc prescribed me. Effin' worked wonders. Anyway, when I used to smoke it was usually White Ox, strip paint of a wall that stuff did, and prolly most of my lungs too :icon_vomit: Did have half a ciggie over chrismas sometime, felt like throwing up afterwards. I actually wanted to be able to smoke at times like that, you know just with mates out on the piss or something, cause I liked it back then. Just didn't like the addiction and feeling like I had to smoke. Oh well....
Only time I ever smoked was cigars when fishing, and only when I had to use the outhouse (to cover up the smell).

Wife used to smoke. Her parents smoked about 4 packs a day between them. They spent about $700+/month on tobacco. He died of cancer just over 2 years ago (it was everywhere in his body - and this was the 3rd time he got it), but the wife kept on going. Then a year later her aunt (also a heavy lifelong smoker) died of cancer. At that point I had had enough and got the kids to ask her to quit, which finally worked. Every time I brought it up, I'd get my head bitten off. ;)

Her mom still smokes like a bingo hall and loves to tell everyone how good it is. To quote her, "I've never got in my car and ran someone over because I had one too many cigarettes." I'll give her that. However, I've been in the car while she did the fish-the-lit-cigarette-out-from-under-her-fat-ass slalom. It's only by the grace of god that we didn't hit a garbage truck the one time.

To be perfectly honest, it will be a miracle if my wife doesn't get cancer. 20 years of living in a smokehouse isn't good for anyone. And she still can't breathe properly - never has as long as I've known her.
Smoking is a small part of diet and lifestyle. You can do a lot to offset the damage your doing.

And I like to remind myself of Japan having one of the highest smoking rates and lowest cancer rates (of developed countries)
I figure this to be due to their moderate protein consumption, possibly some soybean phytochem and without a doubt a diet centralising on minimally cooked, fresh (or fermented) veggies.

There's too many hundred plus year old smoke-hounds still cranking to label tobacco evil, antisocial, deathsticks or the worst possible carcinogen.
I suspect weight for weight that potato crisps are worse than tobacco.

Mmmmmm ... devils advocate.
I haven't had a smoke since New years day - before that I made three weeks. My goal now is for a month and then if after that I feel like one....well, we'll see what happens.

Brad, the way I gave up was to never just have one. It works.


Smoking is a small part of diet and lifestyle. You can do a lot to offset the damage your doing.

And I like to remind myself of Japan having one of the highest smoking rates and lowest cancer rates (of developed countries)
I figure this to be due to their moderate protein consumption, possibly some soybean phytochem and without a doubt a diet centralising on minimally cooked, fresh (or fermented) veggies.

There's too many hundred plus year old smoke-hounds still cranking to label tobacco evil, antisocial, deathsticks or the worst possible carcinogen.
I suspect weight for weight that potato crisps are worse than tobacco.

Mmmmmm ... devils advocate.

While I think diet and lifestyle are massive contributors to good health and can cover a multitude of other sins I seriously doubt that tobacco smoke (particularly commercially processed tobacco and cigarettes) is anything ut harmful. For every 100 year old that smokes every day of their life, their are people like my good friend who develop related cancers at the age of 55. Thankfully the radio and chemo seem to have stomped on its ugly little head and he'll be around for a bit longer.

Skinny guy, regular yoga practise, ate a lot of steamed vegetables and very few potato chips. Cancer of the tongue - I'd be hard pressed to believe that the camels and unfiltered rollies he smoked a shit ton of had nothing to do with it.

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