Smoking Meat...

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Smoking some pork shoulder today, though originally intended to yesterday. Consequently it had almost 48 hrs in brine so I'm a bit nervous it'll be too salty. Also plan on a stout & sriracha BBQ sauce!
Yeah, I gave it a good rinse, but that would have been a good idea. I should have just taken it out last night. Oh well, hopefully still good!
Hindsight is wonderful.
After brining I take the meat out of the brine and leave uncovered in the fridge with a computer fan running for at least 24 hours, sometimes longer with bigger cuts. This helps with pellicle formation and also lets the brine solution equalize in the meat , whether or not this makes a big difference I don't know.
Was a prick of a day to be smoking meat outdoors in Melbourne. The ****** (Aldi/Hark job) went out on me (wind) & I didn't realise. Could have been out for approx 2 hrs. Consequently it's still cooking & I defrosted some Spag bog for dinner. Oh well!
get yourself a remote thermometer. mine alerts me to when i falls under 80 degrees.
Danwood said:
It was a bit off the top of my head, but here goes...

500g beef mince (not too lean, fat needs to drip onto the coals)
1 small onion, fine dice.
1/2 capsicum, fine dice.
1/2cup soaked sultanas, rough chop.
1lg clove garlic, fine dice.
Zest of 1 medium orange.
1tsp cumin.
1tsp ground coriander.
1tsp mustard seeds.
1/2 tsp turmeric.
1/2 tsp sumac.

Toast spices for a few minutes in a bit of olive oil, add onion, garlic and capsicum, cook until onion is translucent.

Leave to cool then hand mix everything together.

Form into sausages around skewers. Burgers or balls will do if you've got no skewers.

Leave to firm up in the fridge for a bit so they're easier to handle.

Fairly healthy kebab, so long as you don't reach for the garlic mayo. I'd have included chilli too, if it was just me eating, but I made do with a few shakes of my smoked Birdseye chilli and garlic powder.
Thanks for that Danwood, sounds great, can't wait to give it a try.
Forgot to take a photo, but had my son's second birthday party on Sunday and loaded up the Aldi smoker with 60 Coles BBQ snags and hit them with smoke - created quite a few converts and tasted damn good in a bun with some coleslaw - nice snap to them.
did the same on saturday but for the daughters 2nd one. chicken thigh and pork shoulder
barls said:
did the same on saturday but for the daughters 2nd one. chicken thigh and pork shoulder
Hey Barls

Are they the same chicken thighs you did at a few of the xmas case swaps?

Mate, they were the best, do you mind passing on the recipe for them?


basically they were.
they are marinaded in my sour beer and bbq sauce for at least a day. then taken out and patted dry and have a spice rub put on them.
normally if i have time ill leave this on over night before cooking.
the spice rub is a bbq spice base with equal portions of salt and sugar in there this is adjusted depending on the size of the mix being made up.
its roughly 10g of each in 100g of final mix with the base being around 50-60g.
i also add paprika, garlic powder and sumac. to make up the rest. go easy on the sumac.
the ones a few years ago at a case swap were just marinated.
i then smoke them for about an hour at 100-110. up to you what wood you use,
brendo said:
Forgot to take a photo, but had my son's second birthday party on Sunday and loaded up the Aldi smoker with 60 Coles BBQ snags and hit them with smoke - created quite a few converts and tasted damn good in a bun with some coleslaw - nice snap to them.
Yeah but what smoke Brendo? You forgot to tell us the best bit!
mmmmm, all this has made me pluck the old webber out from its hiding place :D
Any specific tips on using it? Other than indirect heat of course + drip tray
Do you guys use a water tray?
Hi Fellas

Gave my new Hark Electric Smoker a burl yesterday. Put 2 chooks in and they come out much better than I was hoping whole family loved them.

Found Jeff Phillip's book "Smoking Meat" to be a good guide. Have also found "Smoke & Spice" by Jamison quite good for inspiration.

Ran an a-maze-n pellet smoker in there. One row smoked for ~3 hours. Used 1/2 pecan and 1/2 grey box pellets from aussiebbqsmoke.

The digital smoker itself is pretty sweet too. Pretty much set and forget.

Can see copious amounts of smoking in my future.


Aldi smoker is back in store November 29 for those that haven't got a smoker, and would like to smoke just like the OP.
Do you have a link MB? And do they post?

Would make a pretty awesome Christmas present to myself :p
Google hark one door smoker and that's it. Don't think they post
This simple little fella has done me proud over the last few years.

Just the job for a few simple burgers or marinated chicken thighs at friends houses. Very economical, just a few charcoal lumps and a handful of hickory.

This is the last 5 burgers of a batch of 15...good stuff.


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