Pepper Stout Beef.
Sitting around on my RDO watching BBQ videos on Youtube and I decided it was time to smoke up some beef. I got a nice lean cut of Brisket (1kg) from the butcher and coated in mustard and pepper.
Then I cooked up a marinade of Guinness, Garlic, Onions, Carrots, Red Pepper, Malt Vinegar, Dried malt extract, Tabasco, Sriracha Hot Sauce, Beerenburg BBQ sauce, Sweet Baby Ray's Steakhouse sauce, Pepper/Salt. I dumped this on the beef with a couple of rashers of bacon, wrapped it up and let it soak it for a couple of hours. Usually I marinate for a couple of days, but it was a spur of the moment smoke.
Got the smoker up to temp, I use a Chargriller deluxe I bought from Bunnings, left the brisket swimming in the marinade and chucked it in.
Hit it with some Blackwood smoke for 2 hours at 100c, then foiled it for 6 hours at 100c and gave it about half an hour of smoke again before pulling it off. I constantly kept tipping the marinade over the meat for the whole cook to avoid getting the meat dry.
Flavour was incredible, texture was great, it was a really tasty cut of meat, just fell apart into the marinade.
Served it with a simple rocket, tomato, red onion, cheese salad and a pint of my Pale Ale.