Skunk Fart Ale

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Thanks Jayse.

I'm going to put down your little critters recipe this weekend - if I can convert it to extract + steeped grain, that infor helps a lot.
My last one of these (3rd to date) used about 20g cascade + 15g Northern Brewer for bittering because I ran out of cascade pellets. The flavour an aroma were the 6 plugs of cascades. I thought it wasnt smelling as hoppy when I racked it so I chucked another cascade plug in the secondary (after a 5 min steep in boiled water).

Drinking it now and I think the NB hops have really mellowed the cascade flavour. Still a nice beer but I would have thought the cascade flavour would be huge .... perhaps there is anther factor in this (this one is my first kegged LCPA?)

At the end of the day its still a tasty beer and wont be lasting long :p
the second recipe in my first post here is closer to lcpa.
the little critters is darker, maltier and the northern brewers do tame down the cascade.
you can't steep the munich or wheat malt thats why i put 'do the mash' under the thread title.
so i would suggest a mini mash if you can.
other than that a extract/steep batch would be
around 1.050 of whatever extract you want and the crystal malts.

i to have found the 60 minutes with northern brewer do come through in the flavour and aroma aswell.
i like the all cascade ones better.

put down one of these type pale ales yesterday with all challanger.
they rock. taste great the bitterness is great and the flavour is awesome.
similar to northern brewer but more spice and less wood.
thanks Jayse - I'll revert to the "skunk fart pale ale 0g 1.055 at 75% total potential 1.074"

I'm very new to this brewing caper and want to get a few extract brews under my belt to sort my procedures before going to mashing etc. I'm going through a fairly comprehensive article I found on converting All-grain to Extract by a guy called Ken Schwartz. I'm hoping (when I get my head around it :blink: ) I'll be able to 'cheat' with your recipe and still get something resonably close....
jayse, is that IPA recipe the beer I tasted on Friday afternoon? If so I will have to do it myself. I can't recommend this one high enough. I'm surprised that the Nottingham yeast didn't dry it out more. I find it drys a beer out and leaves a yeasty bite although not as bad as Safale.

Cheers and bollocks
mark, after you left i realised it was in fact the little critters 5.5%alc one you had.
these two brews are very very similar the one you tried was wyeast 1272.

Although the 'october ipa' is 65ibu the 'critters' you had at only 45odd is much hoppier and the bitterness is bigger in the aftertaste etc.
the last hop additions are exactly the same.

at the last grumpy show brad, thomas and steve all liked the ipa even better. i think it needs the notingham to get as dry as it is, which is not very dry really just dry enough.
i wouldn't use safale i don't like it at all. i think it actaully gives the beer a real dry 'hardness' and sucks the beer dry.

oh and by the way those challangers are unreal i love them. they go to the top of the list straight away.
much like northern brewer but better.

anyway you'll love either one they basiaclly are the same beer the ipa is just more of everything.

cheers jayse(going to pour a critters)
Who makes the Nottingham yeast ?
I have'nt seen it , will need the order some
Cheers batz
The one i get is packaged by 'danstar'.
You can get a few strains other than notingham. Theres also 'windsor' and london plus some others.
by the sounds of s-33 by DCL i reckon i would prefer this over s-04.
anyway you should be able to get the notingham and windsor from most HBSs'.

Batz, send me your address and I will post some Nottingham yeast out to you. I have a bit to spare.

question on your october india pale ale. oct 9th 65 ibu 6.5%abv
what hops did you use. (plugs, pellets, cones) as i keep getting a higher ibu in my calcs?
oh the other factor is how many litres did you use for your calcs.

will be brewing this, this weekend or next.
between building a wort chiller and xmas dinners.

crackers sorry forgot to put some things like that on there i'll edit that.

anyway its 23 litres. at 70% effiency its 1.063.
they are all pellets and you could easily go another 10 ibu at the start if you like my next one will be more like 75ibu.

Got myself a few bags of malt this morning. iv'e got 4 yeasts going. 1056, 1275 thames valley,3056bavarian wheat and 1084 irish git.
all made up with a coopers draught can for starter wort.
i have the wort made up and just adding more to the starters everyday to keep them growing.

mmm iam in brew heaven.
just can't decide what to do first, iam thinking a porter with the 1056.
just about to start cracking grain.

cheers jayse
thanks jayse,
wont keep you any longer.
happy cracking


mmm...that doesnt sound good for me!!
Brewed the Skunk Fart Pale Ale today.

Used IMC Ale Malt as the base as the rest as per the recipe.
Didn't have a lot of cascade hops handy so only did 60, 15 and 5 min additions.

Anticipated OG 1054, got 1052, probably because I ended up collecting a little more than I should of.

Looked and smelled the business.

Will let you all know how it tastes probably about mid Jan.

But it is looking good in the fermenter in the new chest freezer.

nice one doc.
This weeks two brews so far i have boiled for 2 hours sparging down to 1.008 and have hit the exact o.g and volume in both.
still haven't got the refractometer so iam cooling wort in a glass with kids ice blocks every ten mintues and really watching the volume and gravity.

tasting notes mid jan. then all gone by feb i bet.

cheers skunk fart jayse
I was at litte creatures last night and couldn't but help seeing the blackboad behind the serving tanks at the bar. There were three hops listed on it:


(Also had something about crystal but I couldn't read that ....)

Anyone tried cluster hops? The description in 'Designing Great Beers' basically says that it has few attractive features and he had no desire to use it?

My next skunk fart (where did that name come from Jayse .... ) is going to have some chinook in (say 30% of bittering) but now I wonder about trying some cluster as well?
The name 'Skunkfart' comes from a discription of the most basic K+K homebrews.
even the so call coopers brewing sugar, you get it?

Anyway cluster is one of the oldest american hops.
golden cluster is what is used in oz for XXXX and V.B etc.
I would leave that out personally but i have i cluster plant so i'll use them one day but wouldn't buy them.

Crystal i believe is a american grown hallertau type plant.
Wouldn't mind trying them one day but iam with grumpies idea. If you want hallertau use the german one same as all hops if your gunna use a hop type use the one from the country of origin. ie why use USwillamette(a fuggle) when you can us UK fuggles
Its a simple homebrew store blanket arguement but it has some merit.

Back to LCPA.
My next one will also use some chinnook for bittering.
One other new addition will be torrified wheat (puffed raw wheat) and maybe more malted wheat then ease up a little on the crystal aswell. Totally leave out the carapils.
On the site they say they also use kibbled wheat, iam not to sure what that is exactly but it must also be a form of processed unmalted wheat.

Cheers Jayse :chug:
keep posting all your stuff here jasony, some tasting reports also. Thanx
I opened a bottle of my cascade pale ale, and i dont know if its me, the bottle or the brew but mine is smooth nice but under hopped! :(

To the extent its Just able to tell there was cascade in the brew. Its also not overly bitter
Just a very smooth unoffencive beer, that mate will LOVE!

I like it and will drink it, but wont be a special brew (first all grain)

Now to fix the problem, I have good confidence in jayse's recipy and i think that due to lack of bitterness and flavor, Its My scales?? and they under hopped on all accounts?

I will wait till i try a CC'd Keg (rather than a stinking hot bottle (only 2) )

I will let you know how it turns out!!!

I more pale ale coming up!!!! this time i have plugs so it may also improve (use plug measure rather than grams)
second thought, I'm 99% pissed after my extencive beer tasting tonight (hey its 37deg i had to!!! )

i washed my mouth out with water and had some water to try clean my mouth, but now towards the end of the glass it is tasting better! more hops

(this was the dregs in the fermentor - hence only 2 bottles, it has sedement and hops in it)

wait till i try the keg may be totally different
hehe Ben was this even carbonated or are you getting stuck into the leftovers in the fermeter! :p Did you use the ~120g of cascade in this one(bittering + flavour)?

I have made 3 of these suckers and the hoppiness has been different each time, first with all cascades was awesome unfortunately all gone :( The second I will be polishing off over xmas, I didn't hit the OG (1.042 instead of 1.052) but is still nice. The last which is rapidly evapourating in the keg had some northern brewers (15g) in with the cascades for bittering. Very tasty but the NB do mellow the cascade a bit.

Next will have chinooks with the bittering ... great brew to test some hops :D
Does sound like you haven't had a decent try yet.
With 90 g of cascade just on the end you should deffintly get heaps of cascade flavour even take out one of those additions and its still like a hop field in the glass.
Granted it does have a lot of malt flavours to balance it out so its not really balanced either way.

I'll be suprised if your not raving about this beer when your a few pints into the keg.

Looks like the next one everyones doing is gunna be with chinnook at the start.
Iam thinking of doing one without the carapils and loads of wheat.

also with plugs I would use more than you would pellets.
So far plugs have not proved to be better than pellets so iam just sticking with pellets for a while.

Cheers Jayse, with no A.P.A what so ever on tap :(

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