Errrm, all i used to do was:
1. Get a long bit of hose,
2. Submerge it fully making sure that all but the bit you are holding on to is filled with hot wort,
3. Place thumb over the end blocking the air,
4. Lift hose out of pot, ensuring the end you are not holding onto is still in the pot, and maintianing thumb pressure on the other end of the hose,
5. Place end of hose with thumb over the end near opening of container you wish to fill,
6. Ensure that the container you wish to fill is below the fluid level of the container you are transfering from,
7. Release thumb from the end of the hose,
8. Enjoy the spledour of gravitry at work,
9. Underpants,
9. Profit....
Worked great for me no burnt digits.
As for a filter I used a ss pot scrubber, untill I upgraded to a Beerbelly hop screen.