Iv just started reading this thread and told my mates about it.. ( all big cider drinkers) and we are gonna through down 60L tonight of Aldi juice and S05.. Looking forward to kegging it and giving it a try
Cheers Vice
It's going to be drier than a dead dingo if you just go down that path. You don't want to let the apple juice fully ferment out, as it has higher fermentability than malt, and the end result will be "unpleasant".
Given you're kegging, rather than bottling, you've got a couple of options open to you.
- Let it fully ferment out, then add some lactose to sweeten it. The lactose won't ferment, but will retain some sweetness and body.
- Back-sweeten it with apple juice in the keg. You will need to make sure you keep your kegs cold, otherwise the yeast will rouse back up and ferment out the sugars in the additional apple juice.
- Back sweeten in the glass - easy and flexible
- If you're feeling adventurous, try to "neutralise" the yeast at a specific point during fermentation. I would guess you want to let it ferment out to around 1010-1012, then somehow kill off or remove the yeast. This could be done with a fine filter, a Campden tablet, or if you're game, heat treatment (you would need to bring the cider up to about 70 deg pasteurisation point, not sure if this would affect the alcohol, I'm not a chemist).
Give it a go, let us know how it turns out.