simple recirculate - crown urn

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Kings Cross Brewery
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I'm doing BIABs in a crown urn, and looking for a simple way to recirculate the mash.

I may not even need a heating element in the recirculation - I'm thinking that I could adjust the crown urn element to maintain 66'c (I know the dial is very inaccurate, but once I reach 66'c as determined by a stick thermometer, I can adjust the dial to this point).

So basically just looking for a simple pump.

Or any basic recirculation methods would be appreciated.
I haven't looked too closely at this myself, but I believe a lot of people who bought a (1st Gen) Robobrew added a pump themselves (and it's the same principle).

EDIT: There's a Robobrew thread in the Gear & Equipment section.
I have that one, I use it to transfer from biab kettle to cube. Works well, though it's not self priming. It needs to be lower than the kettle and initially be gravity feed. You can throttle it with a ball valve.
I use a little brown pump, mesh bag (loosely woven - not voile or 'BIAB' bags, they are too tight), and a pizza tray with holes in it supported by 3 bolts.
you need to throttle the pump speed down otherwise you will compact the grain bed and get a stuck mash and or channelling down the side.
The Keg King pump as shown in cataincleanoff's ebay link has not missed a beat in 5-6 years for me. You can upgrade the pump housing to SS, see Keg King web site and utube videos.
Priming, make sure that the inlet is vertical so that no air is trapped, and the pump must be below the liquid being pumped. Good for boiling wort.
I think they are brilliant.
Why would I recirculate? To achieve constant temp throughout? Especially during mashout?
I'm thinking of building something along the same lines captain for experimental batches. Recirculating is a good idea. It allows for perfect temps, easy step mash and or mash out if you wish.
Just have the urn on full power and plugged into a cheap src-1000 to set and controll temp. Sit the bag on a rack that's higher than the element so you get good flow. Use the pump to whirlpool after the boil as well.
Have a "t" coming out bottom ball valve into a keg king klaxon pump and up to a return inlet at the top.
You could set your pump outlet up like I have on my 3vessell system to take samples and bleed the air out of the pump to get it pumping. ImageUploadedByAussie Home Brewer1486023711.038229.jpg
I hate it when you two fight!!
My doona stares at itself while I get on with something interesting.
Also mashout is sooooo Homebrewtalk.
Haven't done one for years.
Doonas have feelings too !

Well actually, no though don't. But I like the thinking here. Will adding a pump improve BIAB. The old bastard in me says no. Bribie, again we agree. We gotta stop doing this.

That said , will a pump be far more useful in cubing than gravity? With all that trub and hop residual in the urn. And can I, the lazy brewer, do it easily.

No bloody idea. But I like you blokes thinking about it.

Over to you guys.
Fatgodzilla said:
Doonas have feelings too !

Well actually, no though don't. But I like the thinking here. Will adding a pump improve BIAB. The old bastard in me says no. Bribie, again we agree. We gotta stop doing this.

That said , will a pump be far more useful in cubing than gravity? With all that trub and hop residual in the urn. And can I, the lazy brewer, do it easily.

No bloody idea. But I like you blokes thinking about it.

Over to you guys.
What is all this trub and hop residual you speak of?

reduced trub.jpg
I recirculated once and ended up the best effieciency ever at over 90% !!!

Problem was I ended up with a beer that was (1) Over gravity and therefore higher ABV than I wanted - by a considerable amount (2) Thin tasteless and wouldn't hold a head very well and out of balance with the hops because of it. Now I'm happy with 75% efficiency again.
I gathered all necessary parts for my crown urn: ball valve, brown pump, thermowell and built a temp controller, over xmas holidays, now i just have to attach everything together. Im hoping it would make it easier maintaining a mash temp and not to mention i would be more involved in the process, but if i do have something else to do for an hour and a half I still can.

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