Just tasted my first SNPA.
It's a very nice beer, but to me it in some ways seems overhyped.
The colour is not as dark as I had imagined it to be.
The aroma was lacking much in the way of obvious US hop character, certainly a lot less than my own APA brews, or our local Wicked Elf American Pale Ale.
Very clean malt character, but with less body than my own APAs of a similar ABV. Again, I expected more hop character in its flavour than I could perceive.
Nice bitterness and clean finish.
Maybe I'm a little harsh, but when you've been spoiled with your own brews, I think I'm entitled to expect a really exciting brew after all the hype I've read over the years. Having said that, I still think it's way ahead of the usual Aus megabrews, I dispair at the choice at my golf club, out of 8 taps, the only drinkable brew is Tooheys Old.
I'd happily drink SNPA any time it's offered to me, but I think there are better brews.
By the way, the SNPA was my first brew for the day, so my palate was fresh.
+1 for your review.....I couldn't have written it any better.....SNPA virgin too....agree was a nice drop, but would prefer my APA's instead.
I heard it described in the Little Creatures vain, but I'd take LCPA any day, or Alpha Pale Ale. Maybe it's lost a bit in transit.
Anyway, about to try the IPA now