Show Your Support For Tax Change For Small Breweries

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yup write to your local FEDERAL MP not your state MP (tax is a federal issue). people (and their causes) look like a nuff nuffs when they write to members of the wrong Parliament.

if you decided you wanted to write to you state parliament MP or state treasuer asking them to campaign their federal counterparts on your behalf, then feel free to do so, but make it clear thats what you want, otherwise it will get ignored.

here's a quick template if your writting to state MPs (easily customisable to a template for federal MPs)

Dear xxx (pls get their correct title right - they hate nothing more than people not spending 2 seconds getting their title right eg. Mr xxxxx MP, Hon xxxx MP etc)

I/we are writing to you to ask you to campaign your federal counterparts, especially the Treasurer, The Hon Wayne Swan MP, to support Mr Rob Oakeshott MPs motion in the House of Representatives on 13 February 2012, calling for fairer tax treatment of Australian owned microbreweries through excise relief.

[insert what ever else you want to say, eg like chunks Oakeshott's speech]

Yours Sincerely

This is the reply I got from my local MP Tony Smith, Federal Member for Casey.

I sent an email out when this thread started and got a reply on the 4th of May.

" Dear Mr D,

Thank you for your recent email regarding excise refunds for microbreweries.

The Federal Coalition strongly supports the growth and development of small and medium enterprises in Australia, including the hundreds of innovative and successful microbreweries.

It was the coalition government that introduced the current excise refund scheme for microbreweries in 2000 as well as many other initiatives to assist small business including lower general tax rates and he entrpreneurial tax offset.,

The Federal Coalition believes that effective axation reform requires an open and consultative process that engages with all revelant stakeholders and leads to the fevelopment of specific and targeted legislation.

As part of this process we welcome all submissions from interested parties and we have already engaged in constructive dialogue with representsatives of the microbrewing industry to look at ways of creating an economy in which small business can flourish.

The current arrangements for taxation of alcohol are very complex and any reform should look at the whole regime for taxing the industry rather then just one part.

Accordingly, the Federal Coalition does not support Rob Oakeshott's motion before the House of Represntatives as it does not address the criteria for effective taxation reform.

In the current Budget situation the Federal Coalition's priority must be to get the Budget back into surplus and pay off Labor's debt.

We will announce our taxation policy closer to the next election.

Thank-you once again for taking the time to contact me to express your views on this important matter.

Yours sincerely,

Tony Smith"

Can't blv how full of **** all these bastards are
The current arrangements for taxation of alcohol are very complex and any reform should look at the whole regime for taxing the industry rather then just one part.

Accordingly, the Federal Coalition does not support Rob Oakeshott's motion before the House of Represntatives as it does not address the criteria for effective taxation reform.

These A-holes will do nothing, at least the current space wasters have done something (which is more than I expected) and they should get some credit for it.
In the current Budget situation the Federal Coalition's priority must be to get the Budget back into surplus and pay off Labor's debt.
It's this kind of rhetoric that makes me tune out.

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