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Ringwood, Melbourne
As at today, 16 'borrowed' shiny green crates full of Amber nectar. No full kegs as yet.


also I have got a single in to CC,

pitched a cube today and going to pitch another cube tmoz...

I'm almost at the magical 3 month aged when I get to em now..


must... keep... brewing... :lol:

the best thing about bottles is when you've got a massive stash of them. I used to love going down to the shed to work out what i felt like drinking that night. Going to a party was great, just nick down the shed and grab a box, $5 a carton is great value :)
You lucky bastards, I can never keep my greasy mitts off them longer than a week or two when they're ready.

I've got a big belgina (bugger it im not correcting that I like the word "belgina") in ferm fridge and a ESB in the cube, I'm itching my arse off to crash the belgian so I can start fermenting the ESB to get some supplies up....

The last pale ale (26L) lasted a week :wub:
Its good weather to get supplies up. Ambient under my house (brisvegas) is a top of 17 at the moment, no fermenting fridge necessary. If i was still bottling i'd be buying another fermenter and taking advantage of this cool weather. In fact i've been thinking of bottling a few batches because i can ferment outside the fridge atm, be shame to waste the opportunity :)

You lucky bastards, I can never keep my greasy mitts off them longer than a week or two when they're ready.

I've got a big belgina (bugger it im not correcting that I like the word "belgina") in ferm fridge and a ESB in the cube, I'm itching my arse off to crash the belgian so I can start fermenting the ESB to get some supplies up....

The last pale ale (26L) lasted a week :wub:
Yeah, I'm probably a bit too anal about control....

Might look into it
I have two kegs of stout on atm, one normal stout, and a vanilla stout.
I have about 6 longnecks of a beer that taste like plastic i brewed a year ago. fortunately i have 3 slabs of mixed pro beers coming from AIBA and Bottling a Saison, a cider and first lager next week. still envy YOB.
I have 4 bottles of APAish and a batch of Jubelale clone-ish conditioning (far too slowly) as we speak.
3/4 of a keg of my black honey weat, about the same of my Big McStoot, full kegs of APA and AIPA carbonating, another APA CC'ing and a cube of todays AIPA ready to go when I get some yeast. I'll rack the APA to secondary tomorrow and chuck todays cube @ the yeast cake.
Still have a few bottles of oatmeal stout from last Sept, and some mead too.
Would like a couple more kegs.

I hate running out and having to buy beer.
I have two kegs of stout on atm, one normal stout, and a vanilla stout.

Bottling is great and nothing beats being able to taste a nice Ale as it matures over a couple of years but it still is great to be able to go from flame out to out your tap in less than 2 weeks and still have a pretty good beer.
Nice work, Yob!
Mine is about 10 longnecks of BDS and a few stouts that I'm trying hard to forget about. All the rest is in kegs.

Speaking of stashes though- We drove down to see my good old Mum today and she seemed surprised that I didn't bring any beers with me. She opened the fridge and pointed to a longneck that I had left there at Christmas.

It was a simcoe and cascade APA that I had fermented on a yeast cake of wy 1762. bloody good.
my stash hmmm i got a 70L esky full atm of LCBA clones, IIPA and the williamette amber ale. the fridge has a bottom cinnamon ale from oct last year and i do hope its improved...
As at today, 16 'borrowed' shiny green crates full of Amber nectar. No full kegs as yet.

View attachment 54513


Green crates make lucky for brewing irish ales. Love the walking mouse trap!

My stash has about 1.5 kegs full, 2 empty kegs, 2 crates of blonde ale, around 16 ORANGE* empty crates of longnecks, a 28L cube of porter, 22L cube of Dark ale (case swapper) and a 22L cube of the brew day from the last case swap. Might be a good idea to ferment them all and fill those bottles.

*Milk crates also borrowed
Pretty sure I've seen those bottles, caps and crates before?

:p those caps are frikkin sweet mate, they go on soooo easy.. never going back to gold :)

I do get some strange looks when I take grey and purple crates TO the pile and swap them for Green ones :ph34r:
Is that cat used for filling bottles Yob? :lol:

I have 18 litres of a 1035 OG green wheat malt + 800gram wet POR (which was steeped seperately) + 110 grams of wet POR used for dry hopping. Needs bottling.
And 15 litres of similar with 130 grams of frozen wet Cluster which needs bottling as well.
Can't wait to taste them both. :)
Say an apa or ipa sitting for 6,9,12 months. If made to recipe (not counting on aging), they wont age well will they?
Mine usually get chewed thru within a month after conditioning - small batches.
Thats really impressive Yob.

Heres mine, sadly down to less than 2 crates full and some loosies. (Note, I recycled your swing tops Yob? You can have them back once Ive drank the beer if you like?? :D )


But Ive got this smoked chocolate porter on the go too.


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