Should I Re-hydrate Dried Yeast?

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Ducatiboy stu said:
Also true of liquid or any other form of yeast
Yes, but you are dodging my point. But thats ok, I'm getting too old to make points anymore. Its pointless.

the question is, do you believe that rehydrating yeast correctly increases your viable starting cell count. If you do not, rehydration is pointless.

but even if you do believe that a correct rehydration improves your starting viable cell count, I agree you don't have to rehydrate, so long as you pitch enough.
OK, the question is: "should I rehydrate yeast?".

Well..... if it turns you on, then do it, but only in an appropriate place, at an appropriate time.

If it doesn't feel good then don't do it.

If it makes other people feel bad, then weigh up the cost/benefit ratio and apply it against your empathy/sociopathy

Decisions, decisions, decisions!
It depends on whether you are anal or lazy . If you are lazy its still going to make beer . If you are anal you are still going to make beer . This just depends on how good you can cook .
Moad said:
OT but should I rehydrate yeast?
Based on instructions from fermentis, the answer is Yes, if you believe that the word 'alternatively' means 'if you're lazy and want a suboptimal outcome, then do this instead'. I've looked in my dictionary and it doesn't give that definition. My dictionary defines 'alternatively' as 'another option' without any suggestion that it might be a better or worse one.

Which is actually a tad annoying as I was firmly in the 'rehydrate unless you're an idiot' camp until I actually bothered to read the manufacturers instructions.
beer belly said:
It depends on whether you are anal or lazy . If you are lazy its still going to make beer . If you are anal you are still going to make beer . This just depends on how good you can cook .
What if you're anal and lazy and can't cook?
Both processes work; there are consequences for either choice.
Rehydrating your yeast if you do it properly should yield a higher viable cell count. That included using clean potable water with some mineral content being better than distilled/RoMo/ultra pure water; measuring the temperature of the water and hydrating at the right temperature for the strain used (see manufacturers instructions); doing so in a manner that doesn't contaminate the yeast (working sterile is a lot harder than people like to think); attemperiating the yeast to fermenting temperature, not doing so can kill as many as pitching dry.

Sprinkling the dry yeast onto the wort also works, again at a price in killed yeast, but there is a saving in time and risk of infection. When a manufacturer provides instructions follow them, that includes pitch rate, temperature, cooling rate, aeration...

I remember a couple of years ago when the Canberra Brewers went to the Wig and Pen, many favorable comments on the beer and abject horror at seeing the brewer climb up a ladder and sprinkle a brick of yeast straight into the fermenter. It works and one of the most respected craft brewers in the country regarded it as the best choice (at that time in that brewery in that beer)

Guys it isn't an attack on our manhood when someone disagrees with us, lets not let this discussion get personal nor start a Hydration Jihad, we are talking about alternatives and their pros and cons, if other people reach a different conclusion to you... I love the old Rolling Stones line "Well he cant be a man cause he doesn't smoke the same cigarettes as me."
Lets relax and enjoy the conversation.
"Start up and stand an end. O gentle son, upon the heat and flame of thy distemper sprinkle cool patience."
W.S. Hamlet

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