Should I Be Worried About Shavings From The Lid Of A Beer-kit Can?

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hey there, this is my first post, and im new to the brewing experience :D
Im just wondering whether the shavings from opening the lid of the beer-kit can contaminate the wort?
Is this a major concern? Has anyone successfully brewed after the shavings have got in the wort?
How much shavings entered the brew?

I would think that while it is not ideal to have them in there, they should settle to the bottom and not be a problem.

Though it may be an idea to invest is a better/different can opener!

Cheers SJ
hey there, this is my first post, and im new to the brewing experience :D
Im just wondering whether the shavings from opening the lid of the beer-kit can contaminate the wort?
Is this a major concern? Has anyone successfully brewed after the shavings have got in the wort?
Welcome to the forum mate.

Shavings? I'm guessing you mean little bits of paper off the label that get cut from the can opener? Or bits of metal?
Honestly, I wouldn't worry about it too much if you've already started fermenting.
But if you've just opened it then, probably pour your kit into a pot with a few litres of water and boil it for about 15min. That should kill any nasties.

All the best,
Hi and welcome.

Try using a can opener :p Seriously I have never thought of it as I use a can opener with a twirly handle and the lid comes off clean. What opener are you using? The old hand army type where you smash the blade in to puncture the can lid and force it up and down and around to cut of the did?

My vote is for don't worry about it unless you are shaving the lid off with a file. Happy brewing.
There shouldn't be any nasties to leach out of the metal - I mean, the goo sits in there for months, no problem right? And I don't think you'd need to worry about the shavings oxidising at the bottom of your wort. Just make sure you don't bottle them and I think you'll be right.

But I definitely second the use of a better can opener. These things are cheap.
I've had this happen (not sure if its paper or metal) and I have found no ill effects..

I think it would be the paper from the full can label they put on.
You would not get metal shavings from using a can opener.
hey thanks everyone :D , i think i might go and buy another can opener.
p.s. i think it is actully the yellowish glue on top of the can,and mabey not metal shavings.
hey thanks everyone :D , i think i might go and buy another can opener.
p.s. i think it is actully the yellowish glue on top of the can,and mabey not metal shavings.
It could just be stuff from the actual kit.
Don't worry about it dude, just brew it and enjoy yourself.
(and yeah we've all worried about something or another) :beer:
I've dropped the whole can lid in before. No worries - but I always open the side that's been down in the hot water pot (softening the goop) so it's had some level of heat and cleaning (65 degree water).

Now I open cans leaving at least 10mm of edge between the lid and the rim.

I'va also fermented with a big spoon, and a airlock grommet or two. Worst ever - a spider. No infections.

A big whack of healthy yeast seems pretty good and coping with small amounts of bacteria, insects and general uncoordinativeness.

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