Se Qld Yeast Swap

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Pat - Als_world - is it the city's version of Dreamworld? Not a tourist spot I've had the pleasure of visiting yet, but it serves good beer i hear... B)

cheers Ross
I'll be passing first thing in the morning so I won't get to experience Al's Tasteworld unfortunately.

Looks like Screwtop and Tidal are getting there about 3. I might be as late as 5 if that's OK. Will try to get there earlier if possible.

Was hoping to bring Ross's Amber Ale as well as Andrew's Pils but it won't be ready. Hope we can taste it amongst all the other beers.

lol, don't worry Pat, you're not missing much. I've only got 3 on tap, and one's a hefe, so that doesn't count :lol:
Well looks like I'm first to respond after the swap. Thanks Batz and Julie for the hospitality and the beautiful location for the swap. For those who couldn't attend you missed something special, a great night of fellowship and then waking up to the sound of the chooks out the back and whip birds in the trees. Imagine going for a walk in the fresh morning mountain air and then being served breakfast on the deck including fresh eggs straight from the chook pen. All this in the most picturesque of settings.

Check the backdrop:

Pete was in form

Julie served up fantastic Vindaloo and Masaman Curries, and where did we eat?

Pat spotted a visitor from the bush who wanted to join in

Batz evicted him, he didn't have an AHB invite
Screwtop enjoyed it so much he had to say it twice :lol: .
Thanks again to Jeff and Julie who as always made us all feel welcome, The curries were fantastic, and the brekky on the deck surrounded by bottles of yeast cultures was a treat.

Nice to see Pete again and great to finally meet Screwtop and PistolPat at last. As you can imagine PistolPat was still talking at 3.30am :blink: :lol: . I look forward to seeing these blokes again for another round by the bar. Top company in a great setting.

Glad you enjoyed it guys,I know I had a good one :beer:

It's the wonderful company of brewers like you guys that make these nights,great company,great beers and a few snakes here and there for luck. :lol:

Looking forward to the Xmas case

Glad you enjoyed it guys,I know I had a good one :beer:

It's the wonderful company of brewers like you guys that make these nights,great company,great beers and a few snakes here and there for luck. :lol:

Looking forward to the Xmas case


I would like to add my belated thanks to Batz & Julie for their wonderful hospitality & the other attendees for just being great blokes. Have just woken up after a quick trip to the land of Nod to get rid of the final vestiges of a great yeast swap. :super:

I think that Screwtop has said it all. I can only add that those who couldn't make it don't know what they missed out on.

Theres gold in them thar hills

Well those who couldnt make it to this yeast swap certainly missed out. The Bat Farm is a beautiful bit of property fertile with generosity. I arrived with pretty much nothing and left with 9 yeasts (8 really I threw the wit in the chook pen when no one was looking), hops, a Batz sticker on my windscreen, a wall size poster of Batzs old brewing assistant and a headache. Perfect!

Thanks to Batz and Julie for everything. Not sure how Julie served up that brekky with 36 stubbies of yeast on the table. I reached over for an egg at one stage and ended up with another bloody wit yeast. (Thats 2 in the pen now Batz.)

Finally got to meet AndrewQLD who has previously looked after me with great lager info. As good a bloke in real life as on the forum. He and all the others (bar one - lol) brought along some great beers including Tidals Pale Porter. I might be wrong on this but Im pretty sure that after midnight, Batz just left the beer taps on and we simply stood underneath them. If he has any Cin Cin or Scottish Ale left Id be pretty surprised. Top beer Batz all 200 of them.

Batz finally stopped talking at 3:30 and I went off to sleep in the van which I left open in the hope that a hippy from over the hill might pass by and mistake my van for a combi. No luck. This is actually ********. After seeing Batzs family photo (the general store one) and what his rooster did to its own sister I bolted every door dont you worry.

As always, great to see Pete and Screwtop again. Last saw them turning left instead of right at the end of Batz Rd. Pete was navigating. Thanks as well to Al (great fridge set-up) and InCider (best kit beer ever) for the stops on the way up :beer:

I better stop writing now as theres way too much to comment on - brilliant bar, the great stories etc. etc.

Thanks for the brewing gear guys and thank you Batz and Julie for a truly wonderful Bat Cave experience. Oh and am I wrapped in that poster literally!

I should have jumped into Pat's van! :D

Hey Pat,

Did you stop at the Kin Kin General Store for the Grains of Paradise.

Also have you checked in the back of the van since arriving home? Sssssomeone sssssspecial is in there.
Ha! Another reason why I locked the van.

Didn't stop at the store either. Thought I'd wait until Pete gets the Dampier prices. Thanks for putting your hand up Pete to do the paradise bulk buy. Can you let me know prices? Few guys down here are pretty keen already.
