Screw you guys,I'm in England (part 2)

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Sorry,fellas I will get my kids to try and post a better pic tomorrow ,as their dad don't now to opscerate this here intra web thingame bob correctly.
Post # 18 shows a Stein with a set of " barn doors " on the side that open up to show a local scene.!
Honestly the choices and what you are willing to pay are truly staggering ,what you want you will find,!
F,me how big is a blokes brew cave..........surely not big enough, until you get here...honestly I am like a dog with 2 dicks, ( I don't know which one to lick first!). ...cheers....spog....
Hope you don't mind spog but i turned em around...and I am still envious!!






dicko said:
Hope you don't mind spog but i turned em around...and I am still envious!!
cheers for that Dicko,I didn't realise they had fallen over
image.jpg enjoying a beer on top of Untersburg above Salzburg .image.jpg found this mug perched on a sign outside a pub in Berchtesgaden .
The Golden Bear pub in Berchtesgaden ,popped in for a beer and as the barmaid lean't over the table her left boob popped out of her low cut top!
It nearly took my eye out.
I smiled at her and asked if I could have 2 !
She did'nt seem fazed at all,maybe it's a regular event.

Sorry, upside down .not going too well.
spog said:
The Golden Bear pub in Berchtesgaden ,popped in for a beer and as the barmaid lean't over the table her left boob popped out of her low cut top!
It nearly took my eye out.
I smiled at her and asked if I could have 2 !
She did'nt seem fazed at all,maybe it's a regular event.
Sorry, upside down .not going too well.
We wouldn't mind a pic or two of that spog.... Even upside down :)
northside novice said:
Mmmm that's my kinda of England :p
Why no you Belgium :(
time ,budget and needs for the rest of the family meant no Belgium.
Also I am not a big fan of Belgian style ales,although I imagine beers more too " my taste's " are available . Cheers..spog.

dicko said:
We wouldn't mind a pic or two of that spog.... Even upside down :)
ha ha,me too! ,but I do have lovely memory imprinted in my mind.......forever!
So now I am back in Oz and flying back to Port Lincoln tomorrow.
Now for more pic's and details of the brews I was lucky enough to sample ,most of the bars etc i went to were either very busy or the staff I spoke to about the beers as well as the language barrier didn't allow me to speak to the brewer to get the details ,still didn't stop me from being blown away by many of them!
So from Salzburg it was onto Rome and WOW,fellas Rome has a fantastic " craft beer" industry and they are very proud of it !
We stayed in the Trastavere district/ area of Rome which is known for its bars,cafe's and shops,this area is riddled with them.
The first 2 beers I tried were .
Brewfist Spaceman ale, 7.0% abv and a whopping 70 IBU, an APA which is not a session beer for me as I found the harsh IBU's too much for my palate ,but if you want a wake me up this is it.
The second was an Itineris organic Saisson ? Which was from memory 4.5% abv,nice but not my style.image.jpg
Below where we stayed on the Vicolo Del Cedro is the Organic beer shop 2 doors along from the white painted door ( our camp), and directly below on the corner is a bar that had 330 ml bottles of " artisan " beer for € 14.00 each,needless to say I didn't try any,not at that price,image.jpg.
2 minutes walk too the right is the Donkey Punch bar,it's a top place.
The Donkey Punch.image.jpg.
A small bar that would fit about 20 at a squeeze but they all spill out onto the narrow cobbled streets and enjoy themselves,I saw no agro,the culture here really is to be enjoyed.image.jpg the beer menu.image.jpg
Bugga,try again.[attachment=
The taps[ATTACH]68007.IPB[/ATTACH]

Sorry fellas,jet lag catching up and I am stuffing the show up will try again in the morning