Hi Guys.
GL here. You know, the guy that set the rules for this case? Flock me, I go off to a conference for 2 days and it all goes pear shaped!
These things are not democratic, they cant be. If we set up a poll to decide how many bottles, what size bottles, are proxy entries allowed, we will maybe get it organised for Christmas 2007. But I doubt it.
So someone has to launch some rules and spend time organising it. I did that last 2 years and am willing to do it this year. That involves picking beer up, dropping beer off, providing people with bottles, helping people with labels, providing my place for the swap. I do it because I think it helps bring the WA brewing community together. Inevitably there will be a bias towards those who have not only contributed to the last 2 case swaps, but meet regularly during the year to swap beers.
If it got to the point that I was simply providing an unpaid service while everyone else took potshots at the process, I would have no interest in doing it anymore. But I dont think we have got there yet.
So, let me clarify how I intended this case to work.
I wanted it to be as inclusive as possible. I think it is great there are more WA brewers on this board, and I want to try their beers. That is why I specifically organised potential transport from Katanning and Albany. That is why I suggested people could use slightly smaller bottles if access to bottles, or batch size might prevent them joining. I want to see how their beer tastes, I dont care if I swap 750 ml of my beer for 500 ml of theirs to do that.
The only reason we went to 2(n-1) on the first case was that we didnt have enough brewers to fill a decent crate. My intention was always to go to n-1 if we could get enough interest. It seems we do and I am very happy about that.
I don't think proxy entries are acceptable. Post here in this thread or miss out. I either phoned or pmd the regulars to deliberately give them an advantage over other comers, and that is as far as the advantage should go. I dont have a mobile number for Barfridge (but AusDB, you do, call him now), I dont have a mobile number for Asher (but BigAl Im sure you do, call him now). Anyone have a number for TonyM? I will at least send him a PM.
Lets try to keep to a single case. Number of longnecks is n-1. NO STUBBIES. Maximum value of n = 25. That means 24*.75 = 18 l of beer. You can provide 2 different brews if that batch size is a problem.
These are the rules as determined by me. If you dont like them, set up your own flocking case swap.