Sandgropers, Case, 2008, Yada Yada

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I could also be interested in some of those bottles
cheers paul
1 Guest Lurker
2 Doogiechap
3 kukulkan
4 Mika
5 clay
6 Goat
7 Asher
8 Randyrob
9 Recharge
10 Ausdb
11 Sinkas
12 Vlad The Pale Aler
13 barfridge
14 brendanos
15 Roger Mellie
16 Malty Cultural
17 Mesa
18 Tony M
19 deebee's latest kayenkay
20 Mikeb
So will we have a cap for the value of n?
I'll start getting worried if we approach 27 :rolleyes:
So will we have a cap for the value of n?
I'll start getting worried if we approach 27 :rolleyes:

Read the first post. And limit the jibber jabber lest the iron hammer (or dogs) of GL be cast upon you. :ph34r:
[Read the first post. And limit the jibber jabber lest the iron hammer (or dogs) of GL be cast upon you.]

N=25 but subject to change.

But thanks for your reply

GL - Has a date been set for the swap yet?
Yes, better set a date to jog those who rush around knocking up a quick wheat three days before the swap because they didnt realise christmas was almost past. (not mentioning names but I hope you feel guilty as all getout)
I am guessing that the previous chit chat and references to photographs somehow relate to a recent function held that I was the star atttraction of??

Also I am proud to announce that my Christmas case entry has been brewed and is currently lagering itself nicely in my brewfridge so for all of those who were expecting another 1 week wonder ordianry bitter or blonde ale I am sorry to disappoint you as it aint going to happen. :D
I am guessing that the previous chit chat and references to photographs somehow relate to a recent function held that I was the star atttraction of??

Also I am proud to announce that my Christmas case entry has been brewed and is currently lagering itself nicely in my brewfridge so for all of those who were expecting another 1 week wonder ordianry bitter or blonde ale I am sorry to disappoint you as it aint going to happen. :D

...marriage has changed you ! What happened the old AusDB that we know and love ?
I will leave the case open for any late signups, but maximum N will be 25 so bear that in mind for bottling.

Case swap will happen at 4pm on Saturday 20 December at my place in Bayswater.

I will send a pm to everyone closer to the date, but the way it works is EVERYONE has their beer at my house by 4.00 pm Saturday. You can turn up an hour before, or you can drop the beer off a week before. But those who want to get away to another engagement know that they can leave by 4:30, and they will have beers from ALL participants.

For those who havent been before, the idea is the swap happens while we are sober, then we do some serious sampling. You bring beers to try and the odd beer snack. I organise a more substantial meal of some sort for later in the evening. Partners are welcome, kids are fine but be aware that I sometimes have 30 l of boiling oil, or an open fire on the go, although I havent decided what I will do this year.
And fry a turkey in it? that would be cool to watch.
Fryed the turkey last year...gotta go BIGGER this year
Deep fried car keys are also fun!
I have some news that will shock: I've broken my drought and have a brew merrily bubbling away.

Less shocking is that it's dark, strong(ish) and Belgian