1 Kai - Rock Out with your Bock Out - Confirmed
2 AdamT - American IPA - Confirmed
3 GMK - First AG Oktoberfest
4 SteveSA - Nothing Fancy Here APA - Confirmed
5 Dr Gonzo - Weizenbock - Confirmed
6 Jazman
7 Voosher - ESB - Confirmed
8 wee stu - amarillo wheat - Confirmed
9 RussTaylor - I'm just up the road in Blackwood and have just bottled a couple of APAs
10 Doglet - American Brown
11 The Drunk Arab - Munich Helles - Confirmed
12 AnthonyMac - Pils?
13 Stoutdrinker - Porter- confirmed ("Pass the Porter")
14 peas_and_corn - Most likely a golden ale
15 Justin T - English Old Ale - Confirmed
16 kirem
17 JSB - Wet Willie Bitter
18 Pedro - Half Wit
19 Wildebeest Attack - Pils
20 Aaron - Biere De Garde
21 - 24 if required - Pedro's Doppelgnger Doppel and some Gulf Brewery beers
Unfortunately I am going to have to pull the pin on this years xmas case. The batch I had earmarked has developed a phenolic infection, due to poor yeast health of the tired old 1335 I used(british ale II).
Apologies for cancelling at the 11th hr!