Rye wheat hops

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Mount Victoria, NSW
So I have some spare extracts I was going to try making a brew with. I've got a briess rye extract and a tin of coopers wheat extract. Gonna throw the two together and seeing what it becomes. Just looking for hop recommendations to go with this. Can I go American on it with some simcoe or cascade and centennial? Opinions?
I love a bit of late Topaz with my rye...

Edit: I'm not watching mythbusters anymore, so I should probably elaborate....

Was enjoying one of my rye brews tonight, used Columbus for bittering, Perle & Tettnanger late, and Ella, Perle & Topaz as cube hops. Dry hopped with Casc & Chinook. Grist was about 1/3 Rye, 1/4 Wheat with the remainder barley, crystal & roasted wheat. WLP001 for yeast. House fav.

But simcoe should work too... :)
With wheat I like Motueka late, or even as the lone hop.

With a rye IPA I recently tried Styrian Goldings in a series of late additions (with Horizon and Challenger in earlier additions) and liked the result. It would work in an English-style generic ale, but if you go that way add a substantial amount at -2 minutes. I learned that from another forum and it extracts a lot of woody and vanilla flavours that go with rye.

Rye has a more dominating flavour than wheat or barley base malt, but calculate the percentages in the combined brew; the Briess is not all rye nor the Cooper all wheat. If the total rye is much over 20% I'd lean toward English hops, noble hops or the versatile workhorse Willamette to highlight the rye. If the rye is more subdued the more assertive American hops you mention would work well.
Your base will look something like this which is similar to a fresh work kit from All Inn Brewing I'm hoping to ferment soon:
Pale 60% Wheat 25% Rye 10% Crystal 5%

With their recipe they've bittered with Mosaic to 70 IBU and suggested a big hit of Centennial for the dry hop. You can tone the Mosaic down if you don't want an IPA though. I hope this helps.
I used a combo of cascade, Columbus and chinook with my rye IPA. Turned out great!
Yeah the typical American hops would likely be the go.

The attached Rye IPA recipe was in a beer & brewer magazine earlier this year. Might be something to guide you?


Also, I made Rye ale back in May with the two jars of the Briess Extract and 500g dry malt. Hops were as follows:

15g Northern Brewer @ 60 mins
20g Simcoe @ 20 mins
20g Simcoe @ 10 mins
15g Vic Secret @ 5 mins
20g Simcoe @ 0 mins
45g Vic Secret dry hop
21 litre brew

My two mates who tried it both really enjoyed it. Great combination given that I hadn't used Vic Secret or Simcoe before.
Simcoe is one of my all time favourite hops. So many uses for it. Am yet to try Vic Secret.


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