Rip Michael Jackson

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Rest in peace.

He's sipping heavens finest now.

If it wasnt for guys like Michael Jackson, beer would probably have even worse a stigma attached to it. He worked relentlessly at educating the masses.

He will be sadly missed.
Michael Jackson was very much influential in my choosing to tour Belgium and eventually settle there. A quiet Thank You goes out to the man, wherever he may be.

I've just read his final column for All About Beer and was immediately reminded of his dry wit and playful genius. He will surely be missed!

Wipes tear from eye as blows dust from the Beer Hunter Series while scratching head wondering if we still have a VCR in the house.


Remember the storm of outrage a few years back when he was out here and had the nerve to suggest that Aussie megaswill was not the greatest liquid seen on Earth since Christ's last piss?

Another great MJ story I remember was when he went to a beer tasting event put on by one of the big US brewers (AB I think). He was given a new light beer to try, and asked the company 'expert' what flavours the tasters should be experiencing.

The reply came: 'None.'
First book on beer I got given by the Missus a few years ago got me seriously into this beer palaver

Ultimate Beer
Beers for the moment: the best quenchers, aperitifs, beers in the kitchen (with recipes). Large format. 600 photographs. First published 1998/9

Its a beauty, the descriptions and images of beer are enough to get any beer lover salivating

RIP MJ a great beer advocate that the beer world will sorely miss (he was in the last edition of Beeradvocate and on the DVD that they send out to subscribers)
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Michael was the most inspirational beer writer that I have found. I have carried his pocket beer guide around Belgium and the USA seeking out beers he has written about and tasting them while reading his comentary. There are loads of beers that I would not have found if he had not written about them.

For those that have not heard of him, go to your local library and check out his books.

Rest in peace, you will be missed.
Here is a link to a list of further links. I recommend the one by Lew Bryson, the one by Tome Arthur from the Lost Abbey, and indeed, Michael's last column for All About Beer.

I met him a couple of years ago when he was on a brewery visit to Japan. It was his quiet, completely down-to-earth manner that most impressed me. He was a Yorkshireman with a love of rugby league, and on hearing I was Australian, inquired with some urgency, as to which state I was from. He was buoyed to know that I was a New South Welshmen with a background in the league and from that point on, that was what he wanted to talk about. He still politely and professionally gave his full attention to the beers that were to be tasted, but in any lull, it was back to discussing the state of the game. So that is my anecdote.

He will be missed.
Sorry to go a bit OT but does anyone know where I'd be able to get a copy of the "Beer Hunter" series from in Australia?
May the big fella RIP. I had a quiet drink in his honour at lunch time with a client. Duvel, Rodenbach, Cuvee De Trolls and then a Timmermans Gueuze were all downed with quiet reverence.
may he rest in peace

i got a little excited when i read the title coz i thought it referred to the black/white monkey lover. damn

Sad to hear of this.
Totally enjoy reading his writing, insightful, full of quippsand wit and the most unusual yet accurate conclusions and ideas. I hope that there will be someone out there to take up his cause and continue his tradition.
May he Rest In Peace.

I've only heard his name before but based on the praise in this thread alone it seems I should seek out some of his work.
Don't like to double-post, but I'm dedicating this Ruination clone to him. Shame it's not the Brain-Death Barleywine (search the web for the reference - great story, with MJ reference).

He mentioned Gose to me in an issue of All About Beer. Always insightful and evocative. Great work, and always appreciated.

Cheers, Michael (Seth stands and salutes with a toast to (possibly) beer's best advocate).
TESTIFY!!! :beerbang:
I too fell victim to believing it was the singer/songwriter/dancer/kiddyloving/monkeypetting michael jackson!
In commemoration of this great man, I decided to brew a special American Barley Wine. I'll post the recipe in WAYB.

Thanks for what you've done to the world of beer!
Oh no! I only just saw this thread and hence discovered the news...

What a huge loss to the industry - the brilliant Beer Hunter series was filmed at a time when the world hardly knew anything about Belgium, let alone their beer.

I've used his image as my avatar for a while (see left)...I think I'll leave it there now.

Cheers for all those great stories Michael.
Very sad news.
I met him back in 2000 at the Great British Beer Festival. TDH and I attended his tasting/lecture on Czech beers. He signed my copy of his Pocket Beer Guide and I had a quick chat to him a couple of times over the weekend.

Don't forget his contribution to the malt whisky tragics as well as to the beer tragics.

Cheers Michael, I'll take a nip of 1968 Glenlochy 14yo for you tonight.