Returning To Homebrew And My Intro

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G'day everyone, I'm making a return to brewing after an hiatus of about 7 years. I cheated a bit and did quite a few brews at "Brew By You" run by the Dark Isle Brewery here in Hobart. They had to shut up shop a couple of years ago and since then I've been buying the commercial stuff and that has driven me back to where I should have stayed.
I started brewing 25 years ago but have forgotten more than I would like to admit...I'll catch up!
Still got all the hardware incl. kegs and put down a Black Rock lager yesterday (was in the cupboard all that time so fingers crossed. Used a new Saflager yeast so should be OK)
Next brew I'll crack a bit of grain and do it properly.
That's enough out of me for now. Great to meet you all.
welcome back to the brotherhood Sashmo.

its like riding a bike. happy brewing and reading. everything you need is on this site

I'm sure it'll turn out OK especially with the fresh yeast.

You'll be back into the groove in no time hanging around here
Welcome Sashmo,
I'm sure you'll see some things have changed but somethings have remained the same.


Aaaahhh, good to see a brother returning to the fold.
Just be prepared to soon be weaned onto full all grain brewing if you stick around this forum.
Cheers and Beers.

Edit: Spelling