Replacement screw in shanks for Cobra font?

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Gold Coast
Recently picked up a second hand kegerator. I pulled it all apart and gave everything a good cleaning because it was horrifically gunked up.

During cleaning I noticed the bores of the shanks were very rough and could cause foaming issues.

It is a non-flooded two tap Cobra type font on it like this:

Anyone know where I can find replacement screw-in type shanks for these?
I would assume it is a 3/4" thread so the Andale snap locks or the Keg King Kingloks should work - If that is the bit you are looking for?
The barb / tail slots straight into the hole and butts up against the back, with the thredded shank holding it in place (eg. no swivel nut).
I have a three tap version of this (as far as I know they can all be flooded if chosen), are you looking to replace the bit that screws into the hole, i.e. that the tap actually screws onto?
Rocker1986 said:
I have a three tap version of this (as far as I know they can all be flooded if chosen), are you looking to replace the bit that screws into the hole, i.e. that the tap actually screws onto?
Yes, the actual shank.
I'm not sure you can actually get at it to fit anything on the back like that. Does yours not have the stainless tubes poking out from the bottom of the font itself?