Rellies Descend, How Would You Cope

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
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After about four years of being empty nesters we are descended on by daughter and grandson who will be staying for a few months. As a grumpy old bugger my routine has been shot and I wonder if other forum members have been similarly jerked back into the real world:

  • No more walking naked to the loo at dawn with morning w%%d (not bad for 60 hey :eek: )
  • Silent f&rting now required
  • Knives forks and spoons drawer now contains forks spoons and knives. Shyte there's an International Convention that the correct order is knives forks and spoons.
  • They are using the washing machine and not attaching the grey water hose that goes out to the veg garden
  • Bloody 4wd parking in my Daihatsu that I use to go to the beach
  • TV now ninety percent cartoons and hi five
  • Computer time needs to be booked between sessions of World of Warcraft

Bodysurfing at beach, someone to buy clothes and ice creams for, brewery assistant.

Life's good

Might buy a surfboard

:icon_cheers: :icon_cheers: :icon_cheers:
If you want to bring this to an end, all you need to do is to continue your current practice of the first two bullet points. :huh:
They'll be gone before you know it! ^_^
If you want to bring this to an end, all you need to do is to continue your current practice of the first two bullet points. :huh:
They'll be gone before you know it! ^_^
I'd bring it to an end for sure, by being incarcerated in an institution :p :p
I'm guilty of those two points myself, but seeing as there's only mrs warra and I at home, I guess I get away with it.

Whenever we have vistitors, mrs warra is careful to get me to wear a dressing gown in public.

I guess you'll just have to enjoy the visit as best you can. Wish I could get son and granddaughter to stay with us, but seeing as daughter-in-law has me No.1 on her unfavourite person list (for no logical reason), that's unlikely.

Any chance of getting a cheap TV for say $200 to $300 for use by the visitors in their accommodation? Might free yours up for more important things.
Put a password on your computer. If they can't log on, maybe they'll eventually lose interest?
You just made me laugh so hard I nearly dropped my nasal inhaler.
That reminds me of when I was 20 and the thought of 35 year olds having sex was disgusting. Then when I was 45 the thought of 60 year olds having sex was disturbing .... Now Zizzle, Butters et al, as you rush headlong into the future have I got excellent news for you ;) ;) ;)
I can't handle having family staying here.....

Although we have a little one here, both myself and wife will walk around the apartment naked, not as a general rule but more things like between the bathroom and bedroom.

I enjoy being able to fart and not worry about offending anyone, well except my daughter who now announces "Daddy did smelly fart"..... ;)

Have to say, it's one element of smoking I really miss, it used to be a great escape when stuck in a boring as batshit conversation with the inlaws, either at ours or theirs.....Get up, head to the loo, on the way back grab your smokes and duck outside for "a quick one". Pretend your mobile has rung while you are out there and sit back and relax.....
I have the FIL staying with us for a couple of weeks. I now realise how much I hate people staying at my house. Good thing with him though, is if he's shitting me, I just say "f**k off you giving me the shits old man". I spose it helps that we were mates before we were relo's so the respect you have to show the in-laws sorta goes out the window with us.
Personally I think walking around naked with a 6 am hard-on and farting whenever it takes your fancy is probably the best way to deal with it.

They're staying in your house, they follow your rules.
My parents are the type of people to stay in a hotel down the road even when there's a made up guest room available at my place. They're weird like that. The wife hates her parents and begs me to allow her to not have anything to do with them. So I'm pretty covered that way.

As for brothers, sisters etc they're welcome, as is my nephew. Best thing about having guests over is they're in YOUR house and unlike when you're at THEIR house, you get to be as much of a **** as you want and it's your right. Keep that in mind. Especially during arguments. It's their turn to be the polite one.
Yesterday their extremely stupid cat got stuck up a tree, I mean right up the top and they looked pleadingly at me. I suggested that the fire brigade are a traditional resource although that could possibly be an urban myth. I went off to the pub and on my return it had climbed back down. However excellent news, they are looking at a couple of rentals tomorrow, and the lady rental agent involved is a long time buddy of SWMBO so they should e in like Flynn :icon_drunk:
here's a thought
get off the fking internet and spend some time with them ya silly old bugger, (quoting RJ Hawke)