I don't hold much hope, what's been mentioned so far is not very close to the recipe for Redback.
55% JW wheat, 45 % JW pale, nothing else.
Mash in with a 10 min protein rest, ramp to 63, ramp to 68, mash out at 74. Adjust times as needed to get an OG of about 11.5 and an FG of about 2.5. With modern malts you probably don't need any time at 63. You may need to add glucanase to get acceptable lauter performance, depending on the wheat glucan levels.
Nothing fancy and certainly nothing American in the hops: a neutral bittering hop at 90 minutes and 0.5 g/l Hallertau* at 5 minutes to get 18 IBU.
Pitch at 15 oC with
W 68 and free rise to top heat of 23.5 oC**, the ferment must not have a depth of more than 2 metres (thus a horizontal fermenter is required for large volumes). Rack off the yeast and condition at 0oC, Isinglas fine*** then bottle condition with W 34 to achieve 6 g/l CO2. Add PGA as needed to achieve appropriate head retention.
After the lactic incident it went to "Kristal" which was the same thing sterile filtered then in line carbonated to 6 g/l.
*This is from my increasingly faulty memory, I was doing this nearly 30 years ago. It might have been Saaz but I doubt it, in those days Saaz was the most expensive hop on the market and mostly used in the pilsener.
** This is based on 100 hl batches: It's hard to achieve the profile in a small vessel where you don't get as much heat retention, the rise took a few days.
***I forget the rate.