RecipeDB - WALLACES 90g Centennial AIPA

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WALLACES 90g Centennial AIPA

Ale - India Pale Ale
All Grain
- - - - -

Brewer's Notes

0min hops are dry hops after fermentation has finished. Cold Condition and Polyclar for a week or 2 ( I did 2 cos work/kids got in the way). 10min hop addition is cube hops.

65deg Mash for 60mins

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
4 kg BB Ale Malt
2 kg Weyermann Vienna
0.67 kg Weyermann Caramunich II


Time Grams Variety Form AA
35 g Centennial (Pellet, 10.0AA%, 10mins)
30 g Centennial (Pellet, 10.0AA%, 0mins)
20 g Centennial (Pellet, 10.0AA%, 25mins)
5 g Centennial (Pellet, 10.0AA%, 60mins)


1000 ml Wyeast Labs 1056 - American Ale
23L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.065 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.016 (calc)
  • Bitterness 31.7 IBU
  • Efficiency 71%
  • Alcohol 6.38%
  • Colour 25 EBC


  • Primary 14 days
  • Secondary 7 days
  • Conditioning 3 days
Looks like a nice recipe does it taste?

Not bad at all. I'm gonna post a photo later.

EDIT: Can the mods please try and fix the like to the recipe DB in this thread, it keeps coming up with "invalid site"
Here's the photo. (better late than never)...........

Here's the photo. (better late than never)...........


Interesting recipe. I brew a lot of APA's and use centennial a bit in conjunction with chinook and cascade. I have made cascade only beers but never centinnial only. Would be interesting to split a beer and make a cascade brew and a centinnial brew and understand the differences in flavour between the two hops.