RecipeDB - Little Creatures Bright Ale Clone

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Brew Day today!

Just need some of the more experienced to check my scaled down version of Tony's recipe.

Batch size: 22lt
Boil size: 26.22lt
Boil time: 60mins
Brewhouse efficiency: 75%

3.3kg Pale Ale
1.0kg Vienna
0.3kg Carapils
0.3kg Wheat malt

12gm NZ Cascade 45mins
12gm BSaaz 45mins
14gm NZ Cascade 20mins
14gm BSaaz 20mins
24gm NZ Cascade flame out
24gm BSaaz flame out

Yeast: S05

Mash single infusion
Mash in 60mins @ 66C 12.5lt at 72.5C
Mash out 15mins @ 72.0C 4.95lt at 89.5C

Est OG: 1049
Est FG: 1011
IBU: 26.7
EBC: 7.8

Anyone see any great big holes?

I'm tempted to make a keg of this for the shop.

Is your latest version your favourite?

cheers Ross

I'm tempted to make a keg of this for the shop.

Is your latest version your favourite?

cheers Ross

I had a try of Screwy's version of this last Sunday,very very nice. :super:

All over and done with now.

In the keg fridge hopefully drop to pitching temp tonight sometime. Easy recipe (just hope I got it right :( ).

SG: 1.050
19 lt into the fermenter instead of 22lt don't know what happened there. Might have to workout my losses again.

Tasted and smelled awesome.

Thanks Tony for sharing the recipe!
I am drinking my 5th stubby of this now and I have to say , its a tremendous beer.

After 6 weeks of Indian and Nepalese beer, to come home to this homebrew is an absolute treat.
Chappo........ your gunna love it!

Cane toads........ ross has the recipe and im sure its safe in his hands.

Go try it once he has it on tap and get into it.

The latest variation is my fav so far.

The carahell and dark wheat has added a malt sweetness that needed the bitterness upped to 32 IBU and its ballanced to a bees dick!

Its dangerously easy to drink!

Probably drifted from the origional plan but IMO its grown to something much better!

brew it and see!

Can't wait to get this one to the keg. Smells and tastes fantasic from the hydro! I know patience.... :rolleyes:

I gunna do a double batch of your latest recipe once I get the back log out of the ferment fridge. Definitly gunna be a house special in the Chapman house hold! Thanks again for the recipe Tony!
G'day Tony,

Just put down a variation of your recipe with EKG subbed for the Cascade. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Cheers mate,

JS...... i have toyed with making this beer using EKG and SAAZ........ a match made in heaven, so i dare say it will be great!

Spicy and floral in one! Good ballance.
I'm lovin it mate. Upped the B Saaz final to punch a bit more passionfruit in there. An absolute dead ringer for a LCBA. Now my house brew. Might have a crack at your latest recipe for a nice comparison?

Too bad you can't tip footy like you can brew? :lol: ;)
Not interested in the footy

But brewing..................... :)
Tony your no3 looks the goods it will have to brew it up again and compare,I bought a sixer of BA yesterday its the first time I have had one out of the shop,I get alot of cascade coming through compared to mine that I brewed last, I was thinking bringing the 20min cascade up a bit as for b saaz being higher alpa at the moment cheers tony.

I changed the 20min cascade and th 0 min cascade

BeerSmith Recipe Printout -
Recipe: LITTLE CREATURES Bright Ale Clone
Brewer: sav
Asst Brewer: Murphy dog
Style: American Pale Ale
TYPE: All Grain
Taste: (35.0)

Recipe Specifications
Batch Size: 42.00 L
Boil Size: 53.35 L
Estimated OG: 1.045 SG
Estimated Color: 8.3 EBC
Estimated IBU: 31.2 IBU
Brewhouse Efficiency: 75.00 %
Boil Time: 90 Minutes

Amount Item Type % or IBU
7.00 kg Pilsner (2 Row) Bel (3.2 EBC) Grain 82.80 %
0.48 kg Carapils (weyerman) (3.5 EBC) Grain 5.73 %
0.48 kg Wheat Malt, Dark (17.0 EBC) Grain 5.73 %
0.48 kg carahell (weyerman) (27.0 EBC) Grain 5.73 %
23.47 gm Cascade [6.30 %] (50 min) Hops 8.7 IBU
23.47 gm Saaz B [7.10 %] (50 min) Hops 9.9 IBU
27.57 gm Cascade [6.30 %] (20 min) Hops 6.5 IBU
22.57 gm Saaz B [7.10 %] (20 min) Hops 6.0 IBU
32.31 gm Saaz B [7.10 %] (0 min) Hops -
37.31 gm Cascade [6.30 %] (0 min) Hops -
0.61 tsp Copperfloc (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
2.42 tbsp PH 5.2 Stabilizer (Mash 60.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs American Ale (Fermentis Safale #US05 ( AKYeast-Ale
Your gunna love it Sav! I did the original recipe and it's nearly all been inhaled by yours truely :chug: . After my lager bash I'm doing another of this but a double batch this time. This is Chappo's house brew now.
Just tasted this one out of the fermenter before kegging. :icon_drool2: Tastes just like the bought one. Bloody awsome.

Also my first AG so gotta be happy with that.


Hey Guys,

Just thought I'd add in my latest extract version of this beer for those that haven't gone to AG yet (like myself)

Volume made up: 23L

Ingredients: 250g Carapils
2x1.5kg Coopers Light Malt Extract Cans
40g Cascade Hops 6.3%AA
40g B-Saaz Hops 4%AA
Safale US-05
0.3kg Dextrose

Approx Cost: $41

Method: Steep Carapils in 4L of water at 65-70C for 30min
Add water to steep to bring to 10L
Bring wort to boil and add one can of LME and hops as follows:
12.00 g. B-Saaz 45 min.
12.00 g. Cascade 45 min.
10.00 g. B-Saaz 15 min.
10.00 g. Cascade 15 min.
18.00 g. B-Saaz 0 min.
18.00 g. Cascade 0 min.
At flameout add second can of LME and sugar
Crash chill using ice to ~20C
Transfer to fermenter and add water, pitch yeast

This turned out to be a great beer, very similar to the LCBA but not quite spot on. The LCBA is more hoppy than this version but both my GF and her sister enjoyed it, so no complaints.

Damn beer draught is still with me <_< so i'm gunna do a double batch of version 3 tomorrow night as Muckey in is town to visit "Sherman". Single batches of this just don't cut it! All gone already and it was 30lts FFS :( .

Thinking of doing the same as I did last time Tony and double up the 0mins hopping. I think I'm turning into a hop monster BTW?
I going to do this brew for my 2nd AG batch and was wondering if anyone has a Beersmith file they can put up or send me for this recipe??

Cheers, Pok

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