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I knew I had to adjust this Mike but threw the recipe up for advice. What I have never really known is how to adjust my efficiency using beersmith. This maybe obvious to most but I am obviously a thicky der head and have been trying to adjust my efficiency in every way but using the scale tool. Thanks immensely.

I kinda guessed the high FG was a beersmith thing but as all my beers are ending up a bit too strong this was an important one for me to clear up before I did this one. All good stuff to have confirmed.

I'm also aware that I have to work it out for my system, I think Screwy would like to get that sentence tattoed on my forehead! Still I don't think I'm really sweating the finer details here. It probably sounds a bit pedantic to a lot of the gurus but as I will never be able to duck over to Doc's place to try the original I like to get new recipes as close as possible on my first attempt and adjust from there on. Besides if you can have a thread 3 pages long on whether or not new PET bottles should be washed or not before their first use I think my humble questions here aren't too bad ;)

Will get brewing immediately, thanks all. :icon_cheers:
Henno I just court up with this thread sorry, Beer Smith has the IBUs in the recipe I have brewed at 22.8 but I no chill so in my opinion the total IBU will be higher than that. How much higher Im not sure, but what I can say is that it was a bloody beautiful beer.

As Andrew has already pointed out the total IBUs in the original recipe is a little to bitter.

This is the recipe I brewed. Cheers.

View attachment recipes.bsm
Could be a reason for the bundy brewers guys to come up. Screwy is visiting in about a month and by then I would like have Browndog's AIPA and an IPA on tap.

Packing the Pint glass today.............!

Could be a reason for the bundy brewers guys to come up. Screwy is visiting in about a month and by then I would like have Browndog's AIPA and an IPA on tap.

Sounds like a plan.

Sure did,,,,,,,dick head. Sorry Henno, the glitch with Beersmith does happen occasionally, well with my app it does.


everso slightly off-topic, but what version of Beersmith are you on?

This sounds like a beer I wanna brew.
I banged out a version of this over easter. used munichII instead of dark wheat and used some amrillo in conjunction with the cascade casue i didnt have enough cascade. So I just halved the cascade in each addition and made the other half amrillo.

will report back on taste.

bugger all kraussen whilst fermenting though. in fact i got a little worried. but then again i guess there's bugger all sugars for the yeast to get excited about...
kegged and bottled
tasted the other night and WAY to 'green'. The amarillo is too bighty and astringent. needs to age a little and back off the ibu a touch (which has already been discussed by others), but other than that its tasting nice. will have to wait and see how a little cold conditioning and aging helps.
I love the simplicity of this recipe and imagine the MO adds a lot of character.

Interested to know if anyone has pushed this (or a similar concept/recipe) to the limits of flavour vs abv? I noticed that towards the end Doc was mashing at 70c...

I understand that it is a balance of a number of factors, but it seems that the high mashing temp is the key to avoid having an FG that is too low (due to fewer easily fermentables in the wort). So if I want to try getting even lower than %3.5ish, should I aim for a lower OG? Has anyone succesfully done say 1.035 (or even lower) to 1.010/12 and made a great beer?

edit: added a missing vowel.
Lecterfan said:
I love the simplicity of this recipe and imagine the MO adds a lot of character.

Interested to know if anyone has pushed this (or a similar concept/recipe) to the limits of flavour vs abv? I noticed that towards the end Doc was mashing at 70c...

I understand that it is a balance of a number of factors, but it seems that the high mashing temp is the key to avoid having an FG that is too low (due to fewer easily fermentables in the wort). So if I want to try getting even lower than %3.5ish, should I aim for a lower OG? Has anyone succesfully done say 1.035 (or even lower) to 1.010/12 and made a great beer?

edit: added a missing vowel.

I've had a number of comments along the lines of "you wouldn't know this is a light beer". The high mash gives it enough body to not taste watery and to also balance the hops. Mine comes out at 2.5% and pretty hoppy.

paulmclaren11 said:
Can anyone post this recipe?

If you click in the recipe section you will find it mate, this is just the discussion thread
Bugger, I should of read through the comments before knocking this one out. I used the same IBU's as the original and now I see that it is better at 25 not 35 IBU's.
I brewed this for the wife so I will have a taste when done and it might need to sit and mellow for a while before drinking.

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