Brewer's Notes
Coopers light LME is a can of Coopers Canadian Blonde.2 lemons represents a lime and and orange. Zest the lime and orange by using a small grater to take off the skin, then juice them until there is nothing but the white inner skin bits left, pour this all into a small (steralized) stubbie and fill 1/3 with cheap triple sec (can get for $12 at dan murphy), shake vigurously and then cap the bottle! The longer you've had this extract going for the better it will get, 2 weeks minimum i rekon! Add this to secondary fermentation.
Malt & Fermentables
 | 1.5 kg | JWM Export Pilsner |
 | 0.5 kg | JWM Wheat Malt |
 | 1.7 kg | Coopers LME - Light |
 | 0.5 kg | Dextrose |
 | 20 g | Saaz B (NZ) (pellet, 8.0AA%, 5mins) |
 | 20 g | Centennial (Pellet, 10.0AA%, 5mins) |
 | 10 g | Magnum (Pellet, 14.0AA%, 60mins) |
 | 15 g | DCL Yeast US-05 - American Ale |
 | 2 | lemon (juice and zest) |