RecipeDB - BullsHead Summer Saison

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BullsHead Summer Saison

Ale - Belgian Pale Ale
All Grain
* * * * * 8 Votes

Brewer's Notes

This beer is the beer all folks with no temperature control should make during summer! Actually everyone should make it during summer. Its wonderful lawnmower beer, with flavour and character. Its dry, thirst quenching and oh so drinkable, and fermented at 30 deg in the hot garage! With the cool 28 deg days at the moment my second batch has an electric blanket around it..... true story!
It has a subtle fruitiness that really is something wonderfull when mixed with noble hops. It just works so well.
Mash in at 52 deg for 10 min, then infuse up to 63 deg for a 45 min rest. Infuse up to 71 for 15 min and mash out. My beer went from 1.038 down to 1.002 in about 3 weeks. BE patient with this yeast as its Sloooooooow to finnish but will get there if kept hot up around the 30 deg mark.
CC'd in prinary for a week and the beer settled out so clear it hardly needed filtering but came up bright clear once filtered.
Yeast used is 3724 Belgian Saison

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
6 kg Weyermann Pilsner
2 kg Weyermann Pale Wheat
0.2 kg Weyermann Acidulated


Time Grams Variety Form AA
100 g Saaz (Czech) (Pellet, 4.0AA%, 45mins)
40 g Hallertauer Mittelfrueh (Pellet, 4.0AA%, 0mins)
30 g Goldings, East Kent (Pellet, 5.0AA%, 15mins)


2 g Irish Moss
54L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.038 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.012 (calc)
  • Bitterness 22.7 IBU
  • Efficiency 80%
  • Alcohol 3.36%
  • Colour 6 EBC


  • Primary 21 days
  • Secondary 7 days
  • Conditioning 2 days
Yes liquid yeast. Wyeast 3724 Belgian Saison.

Comercial style.......... you are going to have to search to get something similar:;productId=360

I made mine more pale as was my want :)

Single infusion at 66........ NO. To hot mash. You want to mash a saison as cool as posible to get it as dry as possible so a single infusion at 63 is what your after.

Yes liquid yeast. Wyeast 3724 Belgian Saison.

Comercial style.......... you are going to have to search to get something similar:;productId=360

I made mine more pale as was my want :)

Single infusion at 66........ NO. To hot mash. You want to mash a saison as cool as posible to get it as dry as possible so a single infusion at 63 is what your after.


thanks tony,

i look forward to having a crack at this.

Good work Tony, I might add a bit of acidified malt to my next one for some more bite.
Been meaning to do that for a while now :icon_cheers: .
Pic as REQUESTED!!! :p :lol:

Summer_Saison__832_x_1248_.jpg yr work tony but that looks like a hot chick in an iron long...can ye pour her into something more sexy...??? :lol:
I tell ya............ its a bloody hard life when you have to go and pour a glass of a beer this good in a glas this sexy to please the punters.

Its pleasing me right now :)

It'd put a horn on a jellyfish :)
Making this one today. A few firsts for me. First saison, first step mash, first time using acidulated malt. I'm currently at the 15min rest at 72 degrees. Looking forward to drinking this one already :icon_cheers:
Ok so I've had this one fermenting for a bit over 2 weeks now with temps around 26-28 for the first week and then rising up to 30 degrees for the past few days. The SG seemed stuck on 1.012 about a week ago so I gave the fermenter a bit of a swirl and moved it out to the garage where its warmer and It gradually dropped to 1.008 but its been there now for about 4 days and won't drop any further. Is it likely that this one is done? I just don't want to bottle it if I'm going to end up with bottle bombs in a few weeks time.

I must admit I didn't use the same yeast as in the recipe, all I could get was WLP568 which is a blend of saison yeast and a belgian ale strain.

The samples taste awesome so I really want to get this into bottles.
Ok so I've had this one fermenting for a bit over 2 weeks now with temps around 26-28 for the first week and then rising up to 30 degrees for the past few days. The SG seemed stuck on 1.012 about a week ago so I gave the fermenter a bit of a swirl and moved it out to the garage where its warmer and It gradually dropped to 1.008 but its been there now for about 4 days and won't drop any further. Is it likely that this one is done? I just don't want to bottle it if I'm going to end up with bottle bombs in a few weeks time.

I must admit I didn't use the same yeast as in the recipe, all I could get was WLP568 which is a blend of saison yeast and a belgian ale strain.

The samples taste awesome so I really want to get this into bottles.
I'm not sure of your OG , and i'm not really sure wether your fermentation is still going , but i will say that my very limited experience with belgian yeasts has shown me that i must have wyeast 3724 got stuck at 1.038 after 2 weeks...a bit of racking and some swirling and she's slowly kicked off again...but i obviously still have fermentables at that level...but that doesn't help you lol
Have you though about chucking some champagne yeast at it ( neutral flavour yeast) and see if you can get it to drop further ? Probably not much left for it though....
Anyway...i'm sure some-one more experienced at these games will have some better advice !
Good luck !
OG was 1.038 and mash temp was 64 degrees so I really was expecting a lower FG. That said, it is currently about 78% attentuation so not too bad really. I guess, with tony saying in his recipe that his got down to 1.002 I was assuming mine would too. It has dropped pretty clear over the last few days so I might try giving the wort a bit of a stir and rouse the yeast.
I'm going to BIAB this over the weekend, can only get my hands on White labs 568, see how it goes,

is it ok to leave in primary for the full duration of fermentation, (3 - 4 weeks) ?
I'm going to BIAB this over the weekend, can only get my hands on White labs 568, see how it goes,

is it ok to leave in primary for the full duration of fermentation, (3 - 4 weeks) ?
I'll be interested to hear how you go with that yeast as its the one I used as well. After stirring and increasing temp it refused to go any further so I bottled mine after 3 weeks. I reckon you should be right with keeping it in primary for 3-4 weeks. I believe thats what tony did for this recipe.
mashed this recipe yesterday arvo and boiled last night, for the life of me I couldn't get the temp down enough to pitch, it was 11.30pm so I thought I'll semi no-chill and pitch in the morning. Got up late, did whirlpool straight away, got the kids breakfast, sanitised the fermentor and hose, got the kids dressed, had 55 min to get to work, setup hose to siphon into fermentor and got a nice flow happening, just then the 2 year old lets the dog out the front door and he bolts off into the distance, stupid dog, what do I do, pile the kids in the car and chase the dog around the streets, or mind the wort at this crucial point and tend to the hose before it starts sucking up the break?
these are the questions I never thought I'd be asking myself
hehe awsome stuff....... these saisons are difficult stuff.

bkmad...... if its a blend, id say tis done. all you need is your temp out one deg and your mash would have been 65 and that would answer that one. usually when the yeast drops out, its a good sign its done but you cant always trust a saison yeast.... its a different beast.

let us know how they go folks

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