RecipeDB - Baltimore Blonde Cream Ale

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Bribie G

Adjunct Professor
Reaction score

Baltimore Blonde Cream Ale

Ale - American Pale Ale
All Grain
* * * * * 1 Votes

Brewer's Notes

Polenta can be bought from Woolworths (Naytura) or IGA own brand. Cook to a creamy porridge, uses about 4 times its volume of water. If BIABing, add after the grain to ensure even dispersion.

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
4 kg BB Galaxy Pale Malt
1 kg TF Flaked Maize


Time Grams Variety Form AA
20 g Galena (Pellet, 13.0AA%, 90mins)


1 tablet Whirfloc
23L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.051 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.016 (calc)
  • Bitterness 30.7 IBU
  • Efficiency 75%
  • Alcohol 4.53%
  • Colour 6 EBC


  • Primary 10 days
  • Secondary 10 days
  • Conditioning 2 days
This is the discussion topic for the recipe: Baltimore Blonde Cream Ale


It's the one on the right :icon_cheers:
It's amazing the hop character from the Galena even after a 90 min boil. The polenta (Maize) gives a nutty grainy smoothness.

Link not working mate

Should be ok now. Bloody DB that's why I don't post a lot there, usually 20 minutes of pain <_<
Should be ok now. Bloody DB that's why I don't post a lot there, usually 20 minutes of pain <_<

Looks nice and simple

I'm hearing you about the DB, that's why i have only ever put one recipe in it.

I am very interested to give this a go in the next few weeks, what yeast did you use and what temp did you mash at?

Cheers :icon_cheers:


65 DEG @ 90mins (amazing what you learn whem you read once in a while :D )
Wyeast American 1056 but US-05 would also do. Make sure you give the Polenta a good simmer and watch out for it spitting all over the place. We suffer for our art. If you are near the Valley at all, Geeta Enterprises up the McDonalds Arcade do Polenta at about half the price of Woolies or IGA.
Bribie G said:
Well done Les I thought that was inaccessible
Nah, just had to go looking in the recipes section. Was not in any search results, for whatever reason.

Still a lot of gold in there. Well worth a troll if you want some inspiration.

I obviously had enough time and sufficient patience. I found my Dampfbier recipe the same way a while back.

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