RecipeDB - 0min IPA - test batch

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Hot break forms before the addition of hops (unless you add hops before the wort boils). When the wort is coming to the boil you'll notice a lot of nice, tight foam. As the boil actually happens this foam breaks apart and you can see little bits of grey clumpy matter forming and whirling about. Looks a bit like brains or egg in chinese soup. That stuff is proteinaceous material and is collectively known as hot break. When you finish the boil, if whirlpooled correctly (and with the help of irish moss/carrageenan) it will coagulate and drop to the bottom. If you drain correctly you should leave as much behind as you can (some will get in, no big drama).

As the wort chills it forms further break material - this is known as cold break and will form and separate in a no chill cube, leaving clear wort at the top. Hop debris/trub will also fall to the bottom in both instances but is separate from both hot and cold break.
Thanks for that manticle, but after couple of AGs I always get hot break after I add hops - and it looks exactly as you describe. Without them wort can boil for long with no precipitation. Same thing this time - just it happened after the flame-out. Nice, dense chinese egg brains.
That is probably because

