RecipeDB - 0min IPA - test batch

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No Time Tulouse - 0min IPA - NO CHILL

Ale - India Pale Ale
- - - - -

Brewer's Notes

200g Cascade added at flameout and kept in the wort for 12h of no-chilling. Perhaps longer/shorter no-chill will affect utilization. After primary, dry hopped with 100g of the same.

Tastes like 60-70IBU to me, taste is extremely hoppy but with enough malt backbone to support it. Aroma - Cascade burst! :-)

Malt & Fermentables

% KG Fermentable
1 kg Weyermann Pilsner
0.25 kg Weyermann Caramunich III
2.5 kg Muntons DME - Light


Time Grams Variety Form AA
200 g Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 20mins)
100 g Cascade (Pellet, 5.5AA%, 0mins)


1 ml Lallemand - Nottingham Yeast
20L Batch Size

Brew Details

  • Original Gravity 1.063 (calc)
  • Final Gravity 1.016 (calc)
  • Bitterness 77.9 IBU
  • Efficiency 75%
  • Alcohol 6.12%
  • Colour 18 EBC


  • Primary 7 days
  • Secondary 7 days
  • Conditioning 4 days
Actually, I'm going to add all the hops at flameout and than cube it. 15min is just to calculate in my guesstimation for IBUs :)
I'm missing something. Recipe says 50g cascade @15 (which will be cube hopped). Cascade rated at 4.5 % (lower than cascade I've previously used) but gives IBU of over 60.


Also just wondering if this is something you've brewed and tasted and therefore recommnd as a good one for other people to try.
its a 4lt batch. cant work it out ATM but that could be why :p
I'm missing something. Recipe says 50g cascade @15 (which will be cube hopped). Cascade rated at 4.5 % (lower than cascade I've previously used) but gives IBU of over 60.

4L batch. That is why called "experimental". 4.5% is written on my cascade packet.

Also just wondering if this is something you've brewed and tasted and therefore recommnd as a good one for other people to try.

Uhm, not tried. I'm using the forum's engine to sketch batch ideas while at work and have no access to Beertools :) If its bad, let me know guys.
Many of us have made the mistake early on. Myself included.

This is really for proven recipes you're recommending for others to brew.

Thanks. Should I delete it? :-/

BTW- I am brewing it tonight. Maybe leave it and update once the beer is ready?
Usually someone comes along in the morning and recipes with "test" in the title will disappear.

Better write down the info you wanted in case it goes.
Thanks again. Sorry for the mess, you live you learn ;-)
4L batch. That is why called "experimental". 4.5% is written on my cascade packet.

Uhm, not tried. I'm using the forum's engine to sketch batch ideas while at work and have no access to Beertools :) If its bad, let me know guys.

4 Litres - yes I was missing something. I should learn to read.

DB to my mind is for tried recipes rather than ideas - a bit like using a cookbook. I want to know the recipes will make scones or boeuf bourguignon or Vietnamese fried rice rather than someone's musings on what might work. Remember this is a database people look in (and get referred to) when they think 'I'd like to make a stout tomorrow'.

If you need something to scribble ideas in while without access to usual software, try beer (which is what I use to design recipes).
try beer (which is what I use to design recipes).

And here comes my problem:

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I'll find some xls to do it, I think I've seen some here somewhere...
Search kit and extract spreadsheet - should take you to ianH's spreadsheet

I have actually made it!

Just cracked first bottle and it tastes mighty, MIGHTY hoppy! With Cascade, its like chewing grapefruit seeds ;-)

For IBU calculation 20 min at basic utilisation scheme seems about ok - I can taste 60-70 right now, few days after being bottled. Others, like Fowler, are totally off.

Funny thing: the hot break formed very nicely during the no-chill and the final wort was extremely clean.
Hot break should form in the boil and get left behind. Cold break will form in the cube.
There was no break during the boil, due to absence of hops I presume. Though, after what settled during the no-chill, the beer is very clear. I haven't watched the wort cooling, perhaps it formed directly after the hops had been added? It would be the hot break then, no? :)