Recipe Suggestion

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Well-Known Member
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Cooma NSW Australia
I have acquired the following, can anyone suggest a recipe for some of it? I'll be doing BIAB wanting 20L in fermenter.

1kg light crystal
4kg peated malt
4kg rye malt
4kg golden promise
12g hersbecker
60g goldings
60g amarillo
This is simply what I'd do with it. I'm not saying it'll blow your mind, but it'll be beer :D.

4 kg Golden promise
0.2 kg light crystal

Enough Goldings @ 60 min to make 35 IBU total
15 g Goldings @ 15 min

English ale yeast - my favourite at the moment is Wy1275, but use whatever you like.
Adjust the mash temp based on your chosen yeast's attenuation to give an FG of ~1.010

Assuming 70% efficiency into the FV and a volume of 20 L this should give you an English special/best/premium bitter.
Faaark that is 13kg of malt. You should be able to do a triple batch with that! On the other hand don't use peated malt unless you like really smokey flavours. "verysupple" is right "KISS" is the way to go.
verysupple said:
This is simply what I'd do with it. I'm not saying it'll blow your mind, but it'll be beer :D.

4 kg Golden promise
0.2 kg light crystal

Enough Goldings @ 60 min to make 35 IBU total
15 g Goldings @ 15 min

English ale yeast - my favourite at the moment is Wy1275, but use whatever you like.
Adjust the mash temp based on your chosen yeast's attenuation to give an FG of ~1.010

Assuming 70% efficiency into the FV and a volume of 20 L this should give you an English special/best/premium bitter.
Schweeet sounds good to me :) Fortunately I have a few sachet of English Ale yeast ;-)

Thank you

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