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I have bought a tin of Coopers Real Ale and a tin of Morgans Amber Caramalt extract 1.5kg. Would a good yeast to use be the S-04?? Also would it be advisable to add anything else to the mix. Making a 23lt batch. Any tips would be helpful.

I also bought some goldings hops to throw in. Does this sound good. How long would I boil for??
S-04 would go well.

Thinking Amber Caramalt....that could make it sweet, so some extra bitterness could help, but I dont know the actual specs of the amber caramalt.

I would use the hops, BUT... make shure you BOIL THEM WITH SOME MALT, otherwise you wont get the full effect.

60min boil will give added bitternes

15-20 min will give flavour

5-10 will give aroma

These are rough guides, as I dont fully know your hop specs

Make sure you keep the ferment temp lower than 18*c..
I'd definitely do some hopping with the Goldings, weather it be Styrian or EKG, a 10-15 min addition of 20-30g will make wonders, and bump up the IBU a touch to bring it in check. I'd not add any steeping malts as the Caramalt is basically that in liquid form. Yeast wise S-04 is a popular choice for this type of brew, I'd also consider Nottingham & Windsor for dry, liquid wise I'd have to suggest Wyeasts 1469, 1968 or even 1882.

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