This is a great topic, and one I have thought about starting myself. Too often I have seen recipes posted, and backtracking through the originating member's posts, notice that they have very little experience to start with. Worse still, some people formulate a recipe, think its great even before the wort has cooled, then decide to post it. For all we know, it could have been *********, even to the brewer's taste, a couple of months later when it was ready for drinking. Doubtful they would think to go back and delete it.
Some defined categories would be good, and a function where we could filter options. Nothing too complicated, maybe five in all.
Awarded - Any brew that has scored a 1st, 2nd, 3rd or HC in an officially, BJCP judged state or national comp. With a box for a blurb so the author can tell us where it placed, and in which comp. Not that anyone would flaunt the system, but it can always be verified at records.
Peer Reviewed - Any brew that has been a part of the many case swaps, cube exchanges, christmas lotteries etc that has gone out to dozens of people, and gets a four-star or more peer rating from those who wish to vote. For this to work, there might need to be a voting system associated with future swap threads.
Tried & Trusted - Something like Smurto's GA that hundreds of people rave about, or even Neil's Centenarillo that has a big fan-base. It doesn't have to have won any awards, but repeated by many brewers. Maybe once a recipe hits 20 'five star' ratings, it can be moved into this category.
Old Faithful - Brews that Joe Bloggs has been brewing for years, might not have shared with other members, but experience tells him that it's a top drop.
Experimental - All the other crap that doesn't fit anywhere else.
Then a simple sorting system, where someone could go in and select options, not unlike the theory in Excel where you can sort by Column A, then by B, then by C. Let's Say "All Grain", then "Porter" then "Awarded".
Sound good ? Who's going to help develop it ? It's not within my expertise, but I would happily co-moderate any new submissions - which should probably be reviewed before they are made public, and the author contacted for more information if required.
I really hope this thread gets taken seriously by the administrators, because as Australia's premier brewer's forum, the recipe DB should really shine as a powerful tool.