Re using yeast

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Northern Suburbs, Perth
I have an extract ale using S-04 in an FV at present. Can I bottle that beer and just pour my new wort (15 ibu cluster blonde ale) in there and give it a good stir to re-use the yeast, or is there a better way?


I am yet to do it just yet as I don't brew often enough so buy yeast each time I need it so far but I have read a few threads on it. Have a search and you will find some gold on here.
Putting the whole new batch on the previous yeast is a bit overkill. About 1/2 a cup should be sufficient for the next batch. There's a few good threads on here like wolfy's rinsing yeast in pictures is a great resource. He has also done one of top cropping if that sparks your interest also.
You can do that. It is the simplest way of re-using yeast.

Some issues include possible/likely overpitching (ie too much yeast) and getting the shit that's dropped out of your old brew in the new one (proteins, hop debris, dead yeast cells etc). Obviously any bacteria or other micro-organisms will carry over to the next brew and any mutations will continue.

There are many other ways of re-using yeast. I'd suggest you either try re-using in the way you suggest THIS time or remove about 1/3-1/2 cup of the slurry, rinse and sanitise the fermenter and chuck the slurry in to the next (clean, sanitised cup).

Meanwhile read up about washing and re-using yeast, find a method that suits and start playing around and getting a feel for the various methods. I rarely re-use yeast now because time = effort versus cost saving is generally not worth it but with quarantine holding up Vic wyeast orders in Sydney recently, I've been reculturing 1469 and top cropping it and reusing munich lager yeast cake from previous brews successfully.

Short answer - yes you can and yes there are better ways.
Cheers. I've got a few leftovers laying around, but am out of yeast, so I came up with this recipe after drinking a few Hoegaardens the other arvo. I know that it wont be a proper wheat, I just want a hint of spice and fruit in the backround, and am intrigued at what the outcome may bring. Has any one tried anything similar?

1.5 kg LME
500g Dry wheat malt extract
500g LDME
15g Cluster @60min
5g Cluster @20 min
8g Dried tangerine peel @5min
5g cracked corriander seed @2min
Re used S-04 (part there of)

Ferment @18c.

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