Questions About Australia

Australia & New Zealand Homebrewing Forum

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Haha, neither did I actually. I always thought it was a reference to the whole Civil War thing here in America where the Northerners were called Yankees and the Southerners were called Johnny Rebs

I'm pretty sure that the original use stems from the 6 "Yankee" states of New England, around the time Captain Cook was first holidaying in Australia, as a derogatory name used by the English for people from New England, and subsequently the southern states for anybody from the northern states. It is used incorrectly by those outside of America as a name for anybody from the USA as a whole. Those that use it in the belief that they are suggesting a person practices masturbation, as in "what a bunch of yankers", are misguided in their use of the word.
1. I'm riding the fence when it comes to your healthcare. I can see that your government is trying to put everyone on a level playing field as far as access to healthcare services, and thats more than admirable. But I dont think that I could stomach paying the extra taxes that go along with it. I make $800 a week at my job now, and I take home $599.80. Thats 25% to Uncle Sam straight off. Plus an average of 6% on damn near everything I purchase. I think thats too much already (its worth noting that I live in one of the highest taxed states). Its not that I dont want to take care of the little old lady down the street who is dying of cancer, but I really wouldnt think that it takes damn near half of my paycheck to do so (this is obviously over-simplified, of course). That and I couldnt imagine the types of scams that my "crafty" fellow Americans could run on this type of system. However, I do think that it would be interesting to see your system in action, and of course, maybe my tune would change if I weren't young and healthy.

In Australia, if you grossed 800 a week you'd take home $684 - effectively paying around 14%. That's not accounting for any deductions etc. There's also a 10% GST but it's hard to say what that means without knowing the base prices of normal items. A large proportion of GST is returned to the states to fund services.

All opinions of course but I'd rather have the free health care for me and my family if/when I need it. And as for guns - we seem to be doing ok without them! ;)
Just because we won't let you have guns , you wouldn't consider moving here ?
Gee bloke , that's a bit harsh isn't it ? Even if we send Russel Crowe back to New Zealand ? :ph34r:

Sorry, Australia is out.

Or you could let me have guns and I could take out Mr. Crowe the next time he sings. Seems fair to me :icon_cheers:
you can join a gun club,we still have duck shooting,just with our gun laws there's law's on what you can own and how many you can have..
the word aboriginal does not just apply to here

You're quite correct on your second point.

As for your first, I understand that you can still own weapons, but to this red blooded American it seems that your laws are a bit constrictive.

And we have regulations on what we can have here also. For example, here in the state of IL 50 calibers are a no-no as are any weapons with flash suppressors. Basically anything that looks threatening :rolleyes: . Its not like every American owns an RPG and a fully automatic M-14 complete with bayonet lug :)
In Australia, if you grossed 800 a week you'd take home $684 - effectively paying around 14%. That's not accounting for any deductions etc. There's also a 10% GST but it's hard to say what that means without knowing the base prices of normal items. A large proportion of GST is returned to the states to fund services.

All opinions of course but I'd rather have the free health care for me and my family if/when I need it. And as for guns - we seem to be doing ok without them! ;)

Well I think its fair to say I still have a lot to learn about your healthcare/tax system. Interesting.

I guess the gun issue is something that you'd have to grow up with to understand? I dont really know how to explain it....
And I do have to say that you Australians are waaaay more polite than most Americans.

Take this thread for example. Say one of you Aussies were to post a handful of similiar questions on an American forum. You'd get at least a handful of "Feck off, the internet is here for a reason, do your own research" replies.

I'm actually surprised that so many of you took the time to write out lengthy and thoughtful replies, which I appreciate.
I guess the gun issue is something that you'd have to grow up with to understand? I dont really know how to explain it....

Family Guy explains it pretty well..

Alright, SWMBO is bitching that I've been on the interwebs too much this evening. If momma aint happy, aint no one happy.

Cheers everyone

An Australian satirist also gave a comment on the gun issue that has always resonated for me. It went basically something like:
(highly paraphrased, not a word for word quote)
"200+ years ago a bunch of gun toting militants kicked the **** out of the British and started a country. They were so impressed with this they made it a constitutional right to be able to carry guns. This is fine when you are talking about a 200 year old revolution but is isn't so great when you are talking about downtown Detroit right now. "

So, I think we can see where I stand, but yes, I imagine the position is something you have to grow up with.

I like beer.
Well I think its fair to say I still have a lot to learn about your healthcare/tax system. Interesting.

I guess the gun issue is something that you'd have to grow up with to understand? I dont really know how to explain it....

It's probably exactly the same here! I'd say Australians pretty much universally think the gun situation in America is just wacky - we just wouldn't see the need to have gun. Not to say I wouldn't mind owning one, have had fun target shooting in the past. But I feel a lot safer knowing if I did get in a fight or someone tried to mug me in town or something like that it's highly unlikely there'd be guns involved.
What does one actually need a gun for in america? Why do people need to bear arms?

How many times a day/week/month do you personally fire a gun?

I can't think of a time that I have ever thought 'gee, I wish I brought my gun with me' or 'damn, this is the reason why we should be allowed to have guns at home'.

There was a news report back in the 90s one day. It flashed at the bottom of the tv during a talk show of some sort and it went something like 'don't go outside in the eastern side of town, there is a criminal on the loose, do not attempt to approach this person, police are dealing with the situation'. We went and locked the front and back door (which aren't locked during the day - only at night or when nobody is home) and just went back to watching the TV show. I didn't think '****, I wish I could bear arms and protect my family' - what I did think was 'gee, I'm glad this guy doesn't have a gun - the police will have this guy sorted out in no time'.

I have met several Americans before, through work, uni and living abroad. One of my uni lecturers (and later he became my boss) didn't like the fact that he wasn't allowed to buy and keep a gun at his home. Now this guy didn't live on a farm. He lived in a 3 bedroom house about a kilometer from the main street in Katoomba, Blue Mountains. What possible reason would he need a gun for?
In my opinion our gun laws are excellent. If you want to use a gun for hunting/vermin control, then it is possible to obtain a gun. The strict laws ensure that you're getting a gun for the right reasons. In saying that, I think that if someone is going to try and kill/seriously injure someone, then they will always find a way to do it and not having a gun isn't going to stop them.
Quite honestly, if I ever decided to move out of America (which I wont), your gun laws take Australia out of consideration.

Well I'm not too familiar with gun laws around the world but I suspect that would narrow your choices of countries quite a lot. I understand that it's fundamental to your culture but other than that I can't actually see the argument for freely available firearms. Unless you think you'll need to revolt against your government or you're a farmer with a legitimate use for them I don't see the need to have them, in the UK police don't even carry them unless for a special purpose event. I suppose we are a lot more relaxed about not being armed here because we don't have to worry about other people walking around with weapons. Compare the murder rates here, in the UK and then in the US. I know the old argument 'guns don't kill people', fair enough but they sure as **** make it a lot easier for people to kill people.
I reckon the world needs more Guns. We also need more rednecks(with Guns), religous extremists(with Guns), and capitalists(with really f#*kn big guns). Australia in particular needs more of all these things.

I am just so over the dream of the latte sippin commy greens that my children might have the opportunity to grow up in a peaceful, universally prosperous, sustainable, tolerant and healthy world, who would want that? Seriously?

I always thought owning a gun was only required if you had small dick, or a big one that doesn't work, or to protect yourself from either of the former types of angry people, or if none of the previous, that you really liked men but wanted to throw people off the scent of man love with 'I kill things, therefore I am Man'.

+1 on Hercules returns and Angry Boys
And I do have to say that you Australians are waaaay more polite than most Americans.

Take this thread for example. Say one of you Aussies were to post a handful of similiar questions on an American forum. You'd get at least a handful of "Feck off, the internet is here for a reason, do your own research" replies.

I'm actually surprised that so many of you took the time to write out lengthy and thoughtful replies, which I appreciate.
If you ask air lock related questions , you will get told to do some frigging research lol :ph34r:
And I do have to say that you Australians are waaaay more polite than most Americans.
No we're not.

It's just you're asking homebrewers these questions. Homebrewers rock! :beerbang:

We're the salt of the earth :party:
I always thought 'yanks' basically came from yankee and 'seppo's' derived from yank = septic tank (get it, it rhymes - oh the humour) = seppo .....
But I'll have a captain cook and get back to you on that
A couple of things Eric.
The first Australians are just like every other indigenous peoples of the world that had the misfortune of meeting the British..... they got phucked!
It happened in Hawaii with the common cold and it happened in Tahitti with syphillis.That list is a long one so i'll leave it there.

On politics: Most aussies hate politicians which is the real reason why we have such strong gun controls.If i had a gun and saw one i'd use it.
The last election was a stalemate and voting trends showed Australians were now voting against the two major parties and more for independent's.

Racism:Australia is a pretty racist country.This i put down mainly to the people that have migrated here,alot of them are just flat out bigots.
A classic Australian saying is "Give everyone a fair go" but new Australians wouldn't have a clue about it.For the most part their a product of their environment.That being said Australia has something about it that you just cant quantify,a way of making all people feel equal.The new Aussies may not get "it" but their kids and grand kids do.
Drop bears are real, and they scare the **** out any anyone.... tough little fuckers and hard ( read impossible ) to catch

Kangarooś/Wallabies are very common outside cities and large towns. In fact, in regional areas panel beaters/smash repaires main income is from roos fighting with cars...

Australia must be Awsome, cause we had a PM named Kevin, who was replaced by an un married red head women living with a male hairdresser... :icon_chickcheers:

Vegemite is awsome

It is law that Australians take the piss out of each other... if you cant get up your mate, then you are not Australian

I dont agree that Australia is a racist country. The media seem to think that and play that card, but I have never seen it, and I have been all over the place

We have awsome food, fresh, tasty and free of chemicals. My old man went to the USA and generally liked the place, but thought the food in general was bland and over processed

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