Question About My 1st Brew

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Hi all,

I'm currently in the process of brewing my first batch.
I bought myself the whole kit and kaboodle, and I'm really enjoying reading up about all the different varieties I can produce using different yeasts, malts, hops... etc...

Anyway, my first brew was a freebie with the kit.
It's a Munich Lager -
Munich Lager premix
Brewblend #15 (500g malt, 500g corn syrup + dextrose)
Kit Yeast

Made to 23L

First reading 1.038

I've now been waiting and waiting..... and waiting. the primary fermentation has now been going for 3 weeks. and the reading is now at 1.012.

I was wondering if I should be bottling now? I didn't think I'd have to leave it in the fermenter this long.
I've kept it at a pretty constant temp (around the 20 degree mark). and I'm still getting bubbling from the airlock every 2-3 minutes.

Do you think this is ok to bottle? I just want to be sure I'm not making bottle bombs!
First of all welcome to the forum,
The original gravity seem slighty lower and but the final gravity seems Ok for a kit + brewenhancer.
I would think it is high time to bottle it.
Are you priming it with drop or sugar?

If you prime with sugar I would suggest 8-9g/Litre.
First of all welcome to the forum,
The original gravity seem slighty lower and but the final gravity seems Ok for a kit + brewenhancer.
I would think it is high time to bottle it.
Are you priming it with drop or sugar?

If you prime with sugar I would suggest 8-9g/Litre.

I was just going to use carbonation drops

it's not an issue that it's still bubbling?
When the sg is stable for a few days, you are ready to bottle.

Use the carbonation drops that came with your kit. When they run out, plain table sugar is fine to prime with. One teaspoon for a long neck.

When the yeast is working, it produces carbon dioxide, most comes out the airlock, but some stays in solution and slowly comes out over weeks. This is why the airlock is still slowly bubbling. Trust your hydrometer.

Great to see that you have managed to keep your brew at 20 degrees, rather than the temperatures most kit instructions say. 18-20 is spot on.
I did that exact kit and kilo combination about a month ago, just to a lesser volume. I thought after 2 weeks that my final gravity was still not right (1015), but if the readings are constant over 2-3 days it should be fine to bottle.

Hope you enjoy it. After a few weeks in the bottle it continues to improve.
I did that exact kit and kilo combination about a month ago, just to a lesser volume. I thought after 2 weeks that my final gravity was still not right (1015), but if the readings are constant over 2-3 days it should be fine to bottle.

Hope you enjoy it. After a few weeks in the bottle it continues to improve.

Good to hear!

Thanks for everyone's advice... I'm gonna take the plunge and bottle tonight! (the sg has been stable for a few days)
wish me luck!
Good to hear!

Thanks for everyone's advice... I'm gonna take the plunge and bottle tonight! (the sg has been stable for a few days)
wish me luck!

Well, I did it.... it's all bottled now, complete with my own label! hehe
Hope it turns out ok.

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