Queensland Amateur Brewing Championship 2012

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Amateurs doesn't require an apostrophe. Unless you run a fruit stall then the blackboards are required to read Orange's, Banana's, Potato's etc.
Amateurs doesn't require an apostrophe. Unless you run a fruit stall then the blackboards are required to read Orange's, Banana's, Potato's etc.

The again must belong to the amateur. Obviously. Darren isn't an idiot.
I realise that Darren isn't an idiot, i.e. mentally deficient. He obviously has a lot of brewing experience and could be of enormous assistance to developing brewers on this forum.

edit: I didn't quite get what "The again must belong to the amateur" actually meant, is this a Haiku ?? :rolleyes:
So back on topic
Replying to Queensland Amateur Brewing Championship 2012

Possibly a good idea about now.
Amateurs doesn't require an apostrophe. Unless you run a fruit stall then the blackboards are required to read Orange's, Banana's, Potato's etc.


I might have meant they could be more than one professional brewer and hence amateur's :D

presuming that all the judging got completed yesterday (I had to bail before completion before getting in deep kakar),
will the results be published prior to the Dinner on the 16th? Well organised to all involved BTW :icon_cheers:
No results before the presentation dinner Winkle - Should be a great night.

cheers Ross
Thanks for clearing that up Ross.

Just thinkging, it might be a good idea to put that on the qabc.org.au website. Especially on the front page.

Sure, google is my friend and I figured it out (I hope), but there's no indication as to how/when these results get released, about the dinner or the QAAWBG's role in all of it.


presuming that all the judging got completed yesterday (I had to bail before completion before getting in deep kakar),
will the results be published prior to the Dinner on the 16th? Well organised to all involved BTW :icon_cheers:

Is it on the 16th? or the 15th? I thought it was the Saturday....

Cheers - Snow
Thanks for clearing that up Ross.

Just thinkging, it might be a good idea to put that on the qabc.org.au website. Especially on the front page.

Sure, google is my friend and I figured it out (I hope), but there's no indication as to how/when these results get released, about the dinner or the QAAWBG's role in all of it.



Yeah ta, Ross. I thought that would be the case, but forgot to ask yesterday.
Goomba there is some info on the dinner here queenslandbrewers , I'm sure there will be more to follow.
Yeah ta, Ross. I thought that would be the case, but forgot to ask yesterday.
Goomba there is some info on the dinner here queenslandbrewers , I'm sure there will be more to follow.

Thanks winkle - I did find it, but it was a bit of a fluke.

I think my comment is more along the lines of the qabc website has, on its front page "Entries close x date, this is where you're going to put them; judging is y date, here is where we judge" but nothing on results. The T&C's are much the same - it has all the really good info, except this one final piece in the puzzle.

Not downplaying the qabc, or qld brewers - you've done a fantastic job and gone beyond the call of duty (PocketBeers ensuring all entries were able to enter, regardless of some instructions being mis-interpreted!), just putting this extra bit would have made it easier, especially for anyone who's never entered before.

I cannot win anything with my beer - so knowing about the presentations, etc isn't an issue. I'm looking forward to the expert feedback, so I can make the improvements I need to my beer.


I believe it's going on the website tonight (was an oversight).

LRG, The presentation night is not just about being there to receive awards, it's about being there for a bloody good night out & supporting your club (if a member), & fellow brewers.
If visiting the new Alehouse24 isn't enough added bonus to go, BABBS are putting on a free bus for their members & we're putting on a free keg of beer.

I haven't entered any beers, but I wouldn't miss it for anything.... Should be a great night :party:

Cheers Ross
It's about time all you Brisbanites came up to Ipswich, us Ipswich blokes have been heading into Brisbane for years. The Alehouse 24 Bar is awesome and definitely worth the trip up. The food the Y-Bar puts on is pretty good too.


I've got my fingers crossed for the few Ipswich Brewers Union boys that have entered.
I believe it's going on the website tonight (was an oversight).

LRG, The presentation night is not just about being there to receive awards, it's about being there for a bloody good night out & supporting your club (if a member), & fellow brewers.
If visiting the new Alehouse24 isn't enough added bonus to go, BABBS are putting on a free bus for their members & we're putting on a free keg of beer.

I haven't entered any beers, but I wouldn't miss it for anything.... Should be a great night :party:

Cheers Ross
Thanks Ross, the missus is about to pop anytime, so I'm pretty well dry until the blessed (expensive) event, so I can drive her to hospital. Given this is number 4, I might not get the opportunity to sober up, if she starts at night.

Hope everyone enjoys it, though :party: and congratulations to the winners.
Hi all,

Well we are done for another year. The QABC ran over the weekend. QABC

A big thanks to all the judges, stewards and others who helped make it a success. HowlingDog stepped in to head steward on the day (i was judging) and did heaps of the behind the scenes work as always - tip of the hat Howard...Cheers mate.

I massive thanks to Ross for allowing us to crash his business for the comp, use it as bottle registration and storage facility (one night till 1am) and putting up with us all :p

The guys that came down from Townsville to Judge and also run a BJCP exam for us - Andrew, Stephen & Jennifer - you are Legends !

This year the results are being released at the QAAWBG Presentation Dinner on Saturday 15 September @ Alehouse 24 - Yamanto Tavern.
It's definitely on Saturday people. Should be a great night. Fore more info on times and Tickets - go here: QAAWBG

BABBs and other clubs are putting on return transport....hit your club up for details.

The QABC site has been updated with this information, gives you a link to get tickets and also the prizes information has been updated for all the placegetters.

The results were only ever due to come out on 10th...so I think we can all wait 5 days until the dinner to get results and feedback.

Cheers and I hope to see you at the Yamanto's new craft beer venue Alehouse 24 on the night.

Just having a look at the new QAAWBG site (looks so much better, too), there are 2 thumbnail piccies of the judging.

Are there any other (normal sized) piccies - it'd be great to see them?


dang! just made two beers with the same grain bill but different hop schedule
as a efficiency test for my setup.And both started and finished at the same gr.

Really wanted to enter them in a comp to see what others thought....any other
beer comps running in the next few months in or near brisvegas?

Parko - not any comps that I know of (you just missed most of them!) but you should head along to BABBs on the 4th Thurs of the month - plenty of guys there who know their stuff to give you an informed opinion on your beers!


Otherwise, I'd be happy to judge your beers :)