Tables,chairs, urn, Bain Marie, big BBQ, pedestool tables and stools etc all oganised.
Will need some muscles on the day to set up and to bring up extra fridge from down stairs.
It will be hot, bring ya togs.
1. DKS - Not sure now Maybe APA
2. Bradsbrew - Best Bitter.
3. Florian - Something lagerish I guess
4. TidalPete - Maybe Baby!
5. Paxx - TBA
6. Sully (tentitive) - Choc choc Stout
7. Argon (tentitive) - probably something Belgian and Blond
8. Snow (tentative... depending on flood reconstruction) - IPA
9. Sav - A Keg.. Maybe a Black IPA
10. Winkle - Tootin' Saison (a 'super-saison' maybe with brett) or Saison Noir
11. _WALLACE_ Definite - lager TBA
13. NickB - Beer
18. Shed101 - The finest beer you've never tasted. ( In a Keg)
Bradsbrew - I'll bring a casserole for the Bay Marie
Florian - The usual keg'nJerky and something else I'll come up with later
TidalPete - Hash Browns for brekky as per usual + something for the Saturday night + keg.
Winkle - Roast Pork for d' bain marie, baguettes and pate + a keg of Grisette d'Hogshead
Paxx - Potato bake and hopefully some prawns with a keg
NickB - Keg and Food
Sully (tentitive) - Pretzels & Sausage & a Keg of sumptin
Shed - yes please.
Snow - Slow cooked Kangaroo Korma
Sav - Japanese curry
_WALLACE_ - hopefully a keg of something, and a milk crate of mixed tallies (Mostly Financial-Crisis Lager & tweaked House Lager). Anyone for frozen homebrand hawiian pizzas laugh.gif Food TBA